Hi yall (:

So, just joined the site to finally catalogue a day-by-day study of my latest baby seedlings(: I'm new to the site, but definitely experienced in the Marijuana department. Right now I am constructing an experiment (yeah that's right bitches, this girl likes science) to see how different qualities of water affect seedlings in the first (critical) weeks of life. So far the experiment has yeilded amazing results; my favorite seedling "hatched" four days ago; already the plant appears to be a week and a half old. Once I narrow down what properties of the water allow the plant to thrive, and use them to the plant's advantage, I will likely move on to another targeted experiment. All part of my master plan to eventually hail the mother of all Marijuana plants.
But it's definitely not all work and no play (: I'm a master collector of peices, from glass joints to gas masks and everything inbetween. I'm showing my favorite glass bong some love at the moment with some eh-quality shrubbery.

:leaf: Well that's a hell of an intro, enough about me! What's your poison?:leaf:



Well-Known Member


I just found out that one of my new seedlings don't like my alkaline Tap water (ground water, very clean but sits in lime stone) got a bit of lock out, look like Mg and a bit of N. funny since the rest of the batch (LSD and Kush) is thriving, as usually, guess that White Crome triangle is a bitch to grow ? guess I have to PH my Tap water even tho Im in a good organic soil Ooh well been misting her for a few days with 6,2 PH water with Epsom salt and a drop of seaweed and just made a repot in to some fresh neutral soil, lets see, conclusion, not every strain is the same ..


Active Member
Hey and wecome. Im similar to you, been around here for.a.couple weeks. There are alot of good ppl here and lots of shared info,ideas, and growing strats. Well ic ur interested n makin some friends, whats up? Time to blaze. *cough cough, passes the bud*

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
welcome to the forum you will most likely get a ungodly amount of hits on your post most of them will be because you are a chick
Haha I would not mind the overwhelming number of posts as much as I would mind talking to even one anti-drug monger. lmao
And so true about the tap water, I can't grow a single seed in my chemically-infused tap. But right now I am investigating into different kinds of water. Deer park seems to have a good balance, however some brands like Aquafina have far too much sodium for the plants to thrive on. Glad I'm doing this with my reg shit and not my precious babies (: Once I perfect my "formula" I plan to grow the ultimate plant, all with my delicious Cinderella 99 seeds and maybe I'll grow one cross-blend round of Northern Lights & Cindy. Who knows, maybe I'll feel adventerous.
Every girl could use more chick friends, too because the majority of us are shady as fuck.
Sorry I'm not tagging names for responses, I'm stoned, and too lazy to keep scrolling up and down ;)
Pass that blunt guys (: Grape White Owls for the Mthrfckng win