
Active Member
the multi input ballast is definitely possible...but yea like i said electronics isnt exactly my forte. i live in canada too btw. so if its phase 3 and not multi input then the only way i could use it would be to get a different kind of grid right? which wouldnt be worth the hastle, prbly be easier to get a new light. i think i might just have to wait for my buddy to take a look at it till i can figure out exactly wats wat.


Active Member
thanks for the wikipedia definition, i was just lookin to see exactly what the 3 phase was and how it worked but didn't see ur post until i posted. so by the sounds of things 3 phase is for industrial use and im pretty sure that 3 phase wouldnt work.

so i have the 2 parts too this light, i have the blub with the casing around it and i have the condoit? or transformer? or whatever it is, i poseted a pic of it be4. the square thingy

but here are the specs on the label on it

lamp type: m47
lamp w max: 1000
volts: 347
amps: 3
watts: 1062

thanks for the info too btw, really appreciate it