Hidden Gems


Well-Known Member
This thread was inspired by a fellow poster.
His comments about the overwhelming stench that is often found when surfing the net is one we all encounter daily, so with that in mind this thread is about the hidden gems.
The interesting sites, pics, videos instead of the usual minutia one finds. {keeping within the TOS of course}

As some may know but for those that don't, this is one such place Stumbleupon.

It takes your interests, be it art, music, science {there are many options} and basically gives the internet a spin and stops at random site, pics, WTF! etc. The thing is the more you spin it {stumble} the more the internet becomes "yours", finding the things that interest you and your ideas.

Many have seen the pics that I've posted in the bear's {cn} thread Beautiful, they were the result of my stumbling through the web.
Here are a couple more examples that I found today, these are historic photos, some are quite shocking while others thought provoking.

Woman With A Gas-Resistant Pram, England, 1938

Annette Kellerman promotes women’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit, 1907. She was arrested for indecency

Advertisement for Atabrine, anti-malaria drug, in Papua, New Guinea during WWII

Construction of the Berlin wall, 1961

Walter Yeo, one of the first to undergo an advanced plastic surgery and a skin transplant, 1917

Hotel owner pouring acid in the pool while black people swim in it, ca. 1964

Mother hides her face in shame after putting her children up for sale, Chicago, 1948

What hidden gem have you found today?


Well-Known Member
Damn dude. Harshin' my buzz...

EDIT: Papua New Guinea is one of my favorite things to say. Once in my head I repeat it in a Beavis voice for the rest of the night. My girl thanks you. !!


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on StumbleUpon in forever... but I just logged in and this was the first thing that came up:


If only most men(/women) felt this way :/


Well-Known Member
Swimsuit gal is built like a real woman. I like that.

Edit: Pretty sure I can see her left nipple.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, now ill have something to do while I sit at my desk and pretend to work. The two other sites I like are ATS and the chime. ATS has a conspiracy, alien, paranormal, big foot type stuff. It used to be alot better than it is now but sometimes there's good stuff. And the chive has a bunch of funny pics of people getting drunk, street art, hot chics.
