Hide plant outdoors


Active Member
Hey there guys and gals I bought some clones for outside my house today and I want to put them in my porch area, only problem is my neighbors are kind of close and I was trying to hide them kind of. I planned on surrounding the pot that they are in with a wire of sorts and then covering that with net so that from a distance you can't see straight in but they still recieve light. If anyone has better suggestions of material to surround the pots with such as plastics or something I'm all ears.IMG_0084.jpg


Well-Known Member
perhaps a white, 55 gallon drum with the top sawed off? then LST the plant along the perimeter of the drum. i think i saw a thread by fuzzybuds or someone in the general section, and the name was 'i don't care what you say, i'm trying it anyway'. he grew a shit load of weed by LSTing the plant like a candelabra


you should start a big cover garden, with big bushy legal plants. then put the mj in the middle. That's what i would do


Well-Known Member
Are you legal or not? if your legal i would build a chain link fence, with alot of razor/barb wire at the top. lol, seriously though, thats what i would do, along with growing monsters.


Active Member
I am legal and I am going to put the girls in pots on my patio so I can't really hide it behind plants without spending more money on plants which I don't really want to do. Does anyone think covering them in netlike material will work well I saw some online for large plants.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Dont have them in the grass but you can lst your main branches slowly and all the small side shoots then bud come fall. It increases yield because there's more plant getting direct sunlight and it also doesnt stand out and is lowkey.


Active Member
if ur legal fuk it...i wldnt care but thats jus me..if i was legal id have a rainforest in my basement lmao........


Well-Known Member
Do you have easy access to your roof or like a shed or garage w/ a roof? I'd put them in the middle of the roof where no one can see them from below and if the cops or someone seen it from above your legal so you aint got nothing to worry about. Plus they get tons of light all day.