Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP


Well-Known Member
Hey guys Im new to growing weed and to using this site. Ok, so my problem is I am still living with my parents. One smokes pot the other doesn't and doesn't know about the other smoking.

I have a little set up in my room in my closet behind thin curtains. And one day while I was at work my mom came into my room and saw the light from behind the curtains and saw my seedling. She wasnt mad but told me to hide it from my step dad. Well I don't make a lot of money so making a grow room big enough to grow weed in but small enough to hide in my closet is kinda hard. SO my question is, what can I use to make a nice grow room that isn't obvisously a grow room. And something that won't catch on fire easily (like a cardboard box).
If your stepdad doesn't come in your room, you should be golden IMO. Sounds like mom is the one that does the cleaning and such. Just use a better sheet to block your light and use the money you save from making a growbox to buy another light fixture~ I've been growing in an almost identical situation this winter.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what mommy says. This site is 18+.....

People shouldn't be supporting a minor in growing illegally.

Theres no way anyone of age would show up with an idea like this trying to hide it from their step dad....

I agree with what was said before "Don't play Show and Tell" Not with pot, So many people want a plant so they can show all their little friends and think they are cool...

You might not want to hear this but...

Grow up, get a real job, and get your own place then consider growing some Chronic.

We all had to do it. If your living at home clearly life is Easy for you. Enjoy it while you can, why risk getting kicked out of the Luxury of living at home with Food, Cable, and Power all for free?



Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what mommy says. This site is 18+.....

People shouldn't be supporting a minor in growing illegally.

Theres no way anyone of age would show up with an idea like this trying to hide it from their step dad....

I agree with what was said before "Don't play Show and Tell" Not with pot, So many people want a plant so they can show all their little friends and think they are cool...

You might not want to hear this but...

Grow up, get a real job, and get your own place then consider growing some Chronic.

We all had to do it. If your living at home clearly life is Easy for you. Enjoy it while you can, why risk getting kicked out of the Luxury of living at home with Food, Cable, and Power all for free?

exacly unlike me I had to start paying rent and such and when I wanted internet I had to pay for my own and buy my own computer and ther stuff


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what mommy says. This site is 18+.....

People shouldn't be supporting a minor in growing illegally.

Theres no way anyone of age would show up with an idea like this trying to hide it from their step dad....

I agree with what was said before "Don't play Show and Tell" Not with pot, So many people want a plant so they can show all their little friends and think they are cool...

You might not want to hear this but...

Grow up, get a real job, and get your own place then consider growing some Chronic.

We all had to do it. If your living at home clearly life is Easy for you. Enjoy it while you can, why risk getting kicked out of the Luxury of living at home with Food, Cable, and Power all for free?


where exactly does it say he is a minor? for all we know he could be 32. :bigjoint:

anybody got any links to houses seized because of a kids closet grow?



Well-Known Member
and he said he had a job. and who is getting free anything?

wow, ignorance knows no age. :)

Said he doesnt make much money so needs a cheap way to grow?

I can guarantee this kid is living cheaper at home then he would be if he went through the process of getting his own place and paying his own bills.

Theres a reason there is no articles about houses being seized for a kids closet grow.....The kids dont get charged, the parents do.

Maybe Im an ignorant stoner, but what kinda 32 year old is afraid of his stepdad?

Am I really this far off on this? Should we really be helping kids to grow weed in their parents house? Should we be helping ANYONE grow weed in their parents home?

I dunno, maybe Im just ignorant. But I still think that you shouldnt grow a plant for "show and tell"... And if your living at your parents home, you got no business growing weed.

If anything ever happened, like a fire, and the plant is there, your insurance is void..




Well-Known Member
Here's a scenerio for ya:

You have a plant or two going and the cops find them by a 'friend' you told who gets caught with a couple of joints, someone reports the smell, a fire, etc. The cops confiscate your computer and they find the post you wrote and they discover your mother knew what you were doing. Not only does your mother get charged with conspiracy to cultivate they will attempt to confiscate any property your mother has including her house, bank accounts, cars, etc.

Would all that happen? Probably not. Could it happen? Definitely.


Well-Known Member
when you do talk to the cops, make sure they know your mom had no idea what you were doing. and when your mom admits what that she knew what ur doing, make sure they take away ur moms house....

HAHAHA defeats the purpose of telling them ur mom knew notta! XD


Well-Known Member
It doesnt even matter what you or your mom says if the kid is a minor. If anything it would be worse because people would be wondering how in the Hell she didnt know her kid was growing, or worse, why would she let her kid grow.

Even if the guy is 32, if there are ANY minors in the house (if he has a younger brother or sister) He will be charged for endangering them, and the kids could end up being taken away from their parents and put in Foster care.

But what do I know, Im just an ignorant stoner...:wink:



Well-Known Member
When I said busted with 5 whole grams I meant that was ridiculous. In Canada the cops might take it away.

Its more about endangering minors then growing weed. If theres minors in the house, no one should be growing in the house....IMO.

Then theres the whole insurance issue.



Active Member
i remember when i first started, my mom didnt approve but since i kept my grades up
and did everything i was supposed to she let me grow. now i have a job and buy my own stuff and pay rent, seriously i understand how ppl feel about this since i had to hear it everyday when i first started but where i come from there could be a lot worse stuff i could be doing so thats why parents let me grow now without questioning me.


Well-Known Member
When I said busted with 5 whole grams I meant that was ridiculous. In Canada the cops might take it away.

Its more about endangering minors then growing weed. If theres minors in the house, no one should be growing in the house....IMO.

Then theres the whole insurance issue.

half of us here have family. including children. what's that make me? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
i remember when i first started, my mom didnt approve but since i kept my grades up
and did everything i was supposed to she let me grow. now i have a job and buy my own stuff and pay rent, seriously i understand how ppl feel about this since i had to hear it everyday when i first started but where i come from there could be a lot worse stuff i could be doing so thats why parents let me grow now without questioning me.
Key word here being "parents" if Both homeowners, or whoever is on the insurance approves of it then by all means, grow whatever you want.

Its just when your hiding it from some one, and possibly voiding insurance, you really have to weigh the benefits and the possible problems. Is it really worth all the risk for an ounce or two of weed?

You could always find a nice place outdoors to grow.



Well-Known Member
half of us here have family. including children. what's that make me? :neutral:
Im not judging anyone man, its just my opinion. :-P

I know lots of people with kids who smoke weed and it doesnt make them worse parents. Im just saying that if your growing weed in a home that your raising your kids you have to fully understand the possible risks associated with it. I dont wanna preach to you, I have a lot of respect for you man, I know you know your stuff.

Personally I would Hate to see Anyone have their kids taken away just because of a harmless plant. I think we all know the laws are flawed and ridiculous, but in the end we have to deal with them.
