I use an old ring pop box..you know, the kind that hold 30+ that you can from restaurant supply stores. Everyone I live with still thinks it has pops in it..I keep pops somewhere else for when someone asks for them. I got the idea for making it into my pot box when I was stoned one day..I made compartments out of cut up cardboard from cereal boxes. My box just sits in my wall unit, the only other person who knows what's in it is my brother[the older one..I have a younger one who thinks it's just pops]. The one thing I hate is when that asshole comes to visit, he takes our pipes to his house and breaks them/loses them/gets busted by the cops for being high in public and being his dumbass young self, he carries around all his weed, usually a quarter to an ounce depending on his income, plus our pipes and shit. Now all I have is a gravity in my closet..that asshole took all my pipes and dug outs. Gonna treat myself to a bong when I get the money. Time for a new hiding spot.