hiding spots


Well-Known Member
I've got a fake spray paint can that opens up from the bottom. It's great for hiding stuff in your car. Works against cops. :blsmoke:


Active Member
yeah good point pleasure,but its a good idea anyways you dont want just anyone taking your medicen!


Well-Known Member
i hide mine up to 1 oz in a working VCR in my bedroom.... no joke it still works,,, but i keep it off for heat reasons

otherwise in a fire/water/burgler/tonado proof box bolted to my concrete floor


Active Member
Heres a couple good hiding spots that work for me.

1. The clasic book
2. In ur air vents (just make sure its in a smell proof container or ur mom might be wondering about the new house incense
- if its floor just pull it up and slide it down a lil
- if its ceiling it takes mroe work but its worth it
3. Stash cans
3. i cut a hole in my wall and covered it with posters
4. my trash can, it has kindve a built in bucket so i put styroform under it and have like 1/2 inch of space there
5.locked chest
6. hollow pen/marker
7. speakers
8. amp
9. guitars are great!
10. ummm yeah!


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple good hiding spots that work for me.

1. The clasic book
2. In ur air vents (just make sure its in a smell proof container or ur mom might be wondering about the new house incense
- if its floor just pull it up and slide it down a lil
- if its ceiling it takes mroe work but its worth it
3. Stash cans
3. i cut a hole in my wall and covered it with posters
4. my trash can, it has kindve a built in bucket so i put styroform under it and have like 1/2 inch of space there
5.locked chest
6. hollow pen/marker
7. speakers
8. amp
9. guitars are great!
10. ummm yeah!
what's up with your mom? :hump::clap:


im my house i have 2 bathrooms beside the one bathroom i rigged up so that all i have to do is flush my weed and pill down in those vacum bags things.make sure water dont get in/ and i have a screen so that it catched my stash and then i go 2 the basement and open that pipe and bamm. its right there...... i about killed my cousin though he took a shit in that toliot and i was pissed lol ohh well i just sold that stash...shhhh:joint:


i can an old axe can....then i just removed the lil spray thing inside and i put couple bags of weed in there and put the spray cap bak on

Sr. Verde

One of those is where I hide money


I usually keep it in my bag when doing deals so if they try to jack me they cant find it

The weight is perfect
Take a thin slither of wood of the top of a door and in those cheep doors its just full of corrigated paper, remove as much as ya need to to make ya stash and replace slither of wood ya might need to touch up with pain .. Front door is best but hammer chissel and drills needed and a degree of expertease

Sr. Verde

Take a thin slither of wood of the top of a door and in those cheep doors its just full of corrigated paper, remove as much as ya need to to make ya stash and replace slither of wood ya might need to touch up with pain .. Front door is best but hammer chissel and drills needed and a degree of expertease

Welcome to rollitup, you do understand that those posts were like 6 months old right?

Whatever :blsmoke: bongsmilie