High CBD, Low Odor Medical Strain

Unfortunately, this study is five years old. Not only does the lay press article you linked to NOT cite the actual research, speak with its authors, or even name them (IMO a major journalistic "fail"), the headline it lists doesn't correlate with the substance of the article.

The headline is "Marijuana cures cancer". The article says that THC shrinks (not cures) artificially induced lung tumors in mice (not people).

Its interesting, and a good start, but there is a world of difference between these animal models and actual human cancers.

Show me a case of an actual person with lung cancer seeing a 50% reduction in the size of their cancer with marijuana use, and you'll really have something.
Unfortunately, this study is five years old. Not only does the lay press article you linked to NOT cite the actual research, speak with its authors, or even name them (IMO a major journalistic "fail"), the headline it lists doesn't correlate with the substance of the article.

The headline is "Marijuana cures cancer". The article says that THC shrinks (not cures) artificially induced lung tumors in mice (not people).

Its interesting, and a good start, but there is a world of difference between these animal models and actual human cancers.

Show me a case of an actual person with lung cancer seeing a 50% reduction in the size of their cancer with marijuana use, and you'll really have something.

STFU dude nobody cares what you have to say you just keep repeating the same shit they keep coming up with plenty of animal study's and cannabis is at least helping with cancer shrinking tumors whatever else. so whats your point there is no chance because you can't find a test on humans I'm sure glad not everyone is as close minded as you otherwise there never would be a test.
You really don't understand why quacks and snake oil salesmen exist, and how they profit from this sort of thing?

well he gave the world the recipe I highly doubt he's a salesman if he was selling snake oil you'd think he would sell it not tell you how to make it for little money. I just don't see how you can really profit like that when you give it away.
STFU dude nobody cares what you have to say you just keep repeating the same shit they keep coming up with plenty of animal study's and cannabis is at least helping with cancer shrinking tumors whatever else. so whats your point there is no chance because you can't find a test on humans I'm sure glad not everyone is as close minded as you otherwise there never would be a test.
If you don't care what I have to say, why are you responding to it? Instead of asking me to "shut up", how about acting like a grown-up and using the RIU "ignore" feature if what I'm saying bothers you so much?

On testing, for the Nth time, there are tens of thousands of cancer patients using cannabis every day in 20 American legal states, in plenty of non-legal states, and all over the world. The issue isn't that there isn't enough testing of cannabis on cancer patients to show whether or not it can shrink tumors; there is already plenty of that going on, and its been going on for years. The problem is the demonstrated lack of results from all the testing.

well he [Rick Simpson] gave the world the recipe I highly doubt he's a salesman if he was selling snake oil you'd think he would sell it not tell you how to make it for little money. I just don't see how you can really profit like that when you give it away.
Now you're starting to ask the right questions.

To be clear, Simpson didn't invent hemp oil, he just popularized one way to make it. Solvent based cannabis oils similar to Simpson's formula date back to at least the middle of the 19th century and they were used medically then. Simple hashish/cannabis tinctures date back to antiquity, with these extracts being widely available in American medical pharmacies way into the early 20th century. Solvent based "honey oil" substantially similar to what people today are "dabbing" was available on the US black market in the 1970s. None of these things are really new, and even before today's medical marijuana resurgence, there was a wide historical medical experience with cannabis in the USA.

Simpson *is* selling his book from his website, so his financial incentive here isn't absolutely zero, but I agree, he's not actually selling any oil himself, and it doesn't appear that money is a significant motivating factor for his activism. But not all personal benefit has to be cash money.

In this case, Simpson's story generates lots of personal attention for him, publicity, expense paid speaking engagements, and a sense of purpose. I'm sure he sincerely believes what he's saying, and he thinks he's doing the right thing. In any case, good intention doesn't mean he's right or necessarily equate to good results.

And make no mistake about it, Rick Simpson is a textbook crackpot, a person who subscribes to a wide variety of discredited or bizarre beliefs. Please don't just take my word for it. Here is what Simpson believes quoted from his own mouth on his own website (emphasis mine):


From my experience all forms of disease and conditions are treatable and often curable with the use of high grade hemp oil as a treatment. . .

What other medicine works on everything and in many cases can cure thought-to-be incurable conditions. What else can heal diabetic ulcers, skin cancers or heal third degree burns in no time leaving no scars?. . .

Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs. . .
Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time. . .From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.

It seems that the pineal gland is in the driver’s seat when it comes to healing our bodies. . .The melatonin it produces is an essential part of healing. When the function of the pineal gland is impaired, it produces much less melatonin and therefore we become sick and diseased. . .Melatonin travels to every cell in our bodies and is the key to good health. And I am not just talking about treating cancer, it seems that melatonin levels are important to treat all conditions.

So, in short the guy actually DOES believe that cannabis can cure anything (eg diabetes, high blood pressure, gunshot wounds, cancer, etc), he believes cannabis is instantly curative of third degree burns (a belief that is not only false, but both dangerous and borderline insane), he thinks that disorders of the pineal gland cause cancer, and he's even wondering about whether or not hemp oil can confer literal immortality.

This is just some of it. There's more along these lines in there related to the usual conspiracy quackery.

Again, I don't doubt Simpson's sincerity; I'm sure HE believes it and its simply not worth the effort here to try and debunk each of his claims, above. But to put this as politely as possible, this is NOT the guy you want to turn to for medical advice in dealing with cancer or other serious disease.
At the end of the day Jogro, you have the right to believe what you want to believe. I gave you a lot of information that out of pride, you seem to want to ignorantly turn on it's head. Notwithstanding, plenty of people are treating themselves with medical marijuana RIGHT NOW and they are extremely happy. Further, people way smarter than you or I have already concluded cannabis' viability as a medicine, hence medical marijuana law. No matter what you say here today? It's not going to change the fact that people are, in fact, solving medical ills with this plant.

I will say that you do, in fact, pose some decent questions that hopefully we'll have a larger body of answers to in the near future.
At the end of the day Jogro, you have the right to believe what you want to believe. I gave you a lot of information that out of pride, you seem to want to ignorantly turn on it's head. Notwithstanding, plenty of people are treating themselves with medical marijuana RIGHT NOW and they are extremely happy. Further, people way smarter than you or I have already concluded cannabis' viability as a medicine, hence medical marijuana law. No matter what you say here today? It's not going to change the fact that people are, in fact, solving medical ills with this plant.

I will say that you do, in fact, pose some decent questions that hopefully we'll have a larger body of answers to in the near future.
For the Nth time, not only do I believe cannabis is good medicine, but I've said so ten times in this thread already, and have never even suggested anything different. I'm not against medical cannabis AT ALL and I really don't know why you and others keep implying otherwise.

I just don't believe, as Rick Simpson and others seem to, that cannabinoids can CURE CANCER. That's a VERY specific application, and its one fairly easy to test the truth of. In the meantime, despite his position, there is simply no good evidence that any currently existing cannabis product works that way in human beings, and plenty of empirical evidence that they don't.

As to curing every single disease known to man, or reversing aging, those things are pure cuckoo-talk. When crackpots like Simpson or others start to make ridiculous and easily disprovable claims like that it just gives more ammo to the anti-cannabis crowd who want to keep cannabis illegal, even for legit medical use.

Again, just because cannabis is great at SOME things (neuro-muscular pain, spasms, anti-nausea, appetite, mood, etc), doesn't mean its effective at EVERYTHING (skin burns, curing cancer, infections, etc).


This is a new article about THC killing cancer cells in the brains of mice.

Yes, it's not a human trial Jorgo - but you need to realize that many of the medicnes we use today are tested on mice before humans.

Oh and guess what? They're doing human trials as well.
I wrote about this earlier in this thread:


Again, the vast majority of agents that prove effective in animal models do NOT end up working on real human beings with cancer. Animal models are a good start, but results simply can't be directly generalized to people in most cases.

Earlier in this thread I referenced a Spanish clinical study where the researchers in question injected cannabinoids directly into the tumors of people with brain cancer. In that study they found no measurable effect on tumor progression in those patients.

I'm glad to hear there are ongoing clinical trials looking at this, and I can't wait until the day when a good one comes out showing survival benefit in people with cancer. When that happens, everyone can post links to it here, rub my nose in it, and say "told you so". But until then, I'm not holding my breath.
Jogro, I hope you write a strongly worded letter to a few of these idiots. Why are they wasting their time on such hocus pocus?

Jogro, with your scientific stance here. Do you exclude the possibility that evidence isnt there because there has not been any studies on humans? And that it might actually have strong anti cancer properties? That would be extremely unscientific. Excluding something based on the lack of studies.
For the Nth time, not only do I believe cannabis is good medicine, but I've said so ten times in this thread already, and have never even suggested anything different. I'm not against medical cannabis AT ALL and I really don't know why you and others keep implying otherwise.

I just don't believe, as Rick Simpson and others seem to, that cannabinoids can CURE CANCER. That's a VERY specific application, and its one fairly easy to test the truth of. In the meantime, despite his position, there is simply no good evidence that any currently existing cannabis product works that way in human beings, and plenty of empirical evidence that they don't.

As to curing every single disease known to man, or reversing aging, those things are pure cuckoo-talk. When crackpots like Simpson or others start to make ridiculous and easily disprovable claims like that it just gives more ammo to the anti-cannabis crowd who want to keep cannabis illegal, even for legit medical use.

Again, just because cannabis is great at SOME things (neuro-muscular pain, spasms, anti-nausea, appetite, mood, etc), doesn't mean its effective at EVERYTHING (skin burns, curing cancer, infections, etc).

I wrote about this earlier in this thread:


Again, the vast majority of agents that prove effective in animal models do NOT end up working on real human beings with cancer. Animal models are a good start, but results simply can't be directly generalized to people in most cases.

Earlier in this thread I referenced a Spanish clinical study where the researchers in question injected cannabinoids directly into the tumors of people with brain cancer. In that study they found no measurable effect on tumor progression in those patients.

I'm glad to hear there are ongoing clinical trials looking at this, and I can't wait until the day when a good one comes out showing survival benefit in people with cancer. When that happens, everyone can post links to it here, rub my nose in it, and say "told you so". But until then, I'm not holding my breath.

[h=2]New CNN “Weed” Documentary[/h]On August 11th, 2013, Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s “Weed” documentary premiered on CNN. A large part of the film focuses on Charlotte Figi, a patient who used high-CBD cannabis oil to almost completely control Dravet Syndrome, one of the most severe forms of epilepsy. With the oil, Charlotte’s seizures dropped from 300 grand mal episodes a week to three minor seizures a month. This is the first truly mainstream testimonial ever released for cannabis oil, and is a testament to the progress of the cannabis extract movement. While the actual CNN documentary is not available, the video to the right discusses the subject of the story, Charlotte, as well as another child patient.


Much love to you my brother

Haha. But really, when did anecdotal evidence start becoming worthless, especially for "new" discoveries? Imagine the fate of the human race if, when the first human who decided to eat plants or animals told all the others, they responded "HAHA Brutusk, show us government studies! Until then, we'll starve to death, since there is no PROOF that eating plants and animals prevents death."


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[h=2]New CNN “Weed” Documentary[/h]On August 11th, 2013, Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s “Weed” documentary premiered on CNN. A large part of the film focuses on Charlotte Figi, a patient who used high-CBD cannabis oil to almost completely control Dravet Syndrome, one of the most severe forms of epilepsy. With the oil, Charlotte’s seizures dropped from 300 grand mal episodes a week to three minor seizures a month. This is the first truly mainstream testimonial ever released for cannabis oil, and is a testament to the progress of the cannabis extract movement. While the actual CNN documentary is not available, the video to the right discusses the subject of the story, Charlotte, as well as another child patient.


Much love to you my brother

Epilepsy isn't cancer.
Jogro, with your scientific stance here. Do you exclude the possibility that evidence isnt there because there has not been any studies on humans? And that it might actually have strong anti cancer properties? That would be extremely unscientific. Excluding something based on the lack of studies.
You have this exactly backwards.

Science can't prove that something doesn't exist, only that it does. The default and only reasonable scientific position with respect to ANY proposed cancer cure, be it cannabis, or water. . or pistachios. . .or aspirin. . .or chocolate bars. . .is that none of these things cure cancer, until there is good evidence that they do.

You're wrong that there haven't been any "studies" on humans. Cannabis has been extensively tested in the real-world on cancer patients for approximately 10,000 years. That 10,000 years of recorded human medical all over the globe proves that cannabis doesn't "have strong anti-cancer properties". If it did, cancer would have been cured centuries ago by cheap and readily available cannabis, and cannabis therapy would be the global universally accepted therapy for cancer.

If you want a more recent medical experience, cannabis has been legal for medical use in cancer patients in Israel for 20 years, in California (itself the size of a European country) for 18 years, in Canada for 13 years and in Holland for 10 years. At least tens of thousands of cancer patients use this every year all over the globe, this has been true for at least two decades, and the number is increasing.

The cumulative experience of these hundreds of thousands of cancer patients, including patients walking in and out of medical dispensaries in the USA every single day is that cannabis doesn't cure their cancer. Elevate their mood, increase their appetite, decrease their pain. . .sure. . .all these things. Cure their cancers? Not so much.

Every single day, in every major hospital across the USA, doctors shrink tumors with radiation, surgery, and conventional chemotherapy, and there is plenty of before-and-after imaging and analysis to show this happens. With so many sick people using cannabis, where is this same evidence for cannabis chemotherapy? Without it, what do you conclude?
Haha. But really, when did anecdotal evidence start becoming worthless, especially for "new" discoveries?
Who said it was worthless? Anecdotal evidence can be a good start, but its just the absolute weakest form of evidence. There is a reason why "hearsay" isn't admissible in courts of law.

As you note, in this particular case, cannabis isn't exactly a "new discovery". Its been legal for medical use in cancer patients in many different jurisdictions across the globe for many years, and every single day cancer patients walk in and out of dispensaries with flowers, hash, hemp oil, or any other cannabis product they like.

So with this kind of common everyday experience, I think we're WAY beyond the point of having to rely on simple anecdotal evidence (ie RUMOR) here. By this point, anyone claiming this cures cancer should AT LEAST be able to document a few actual cures, no? If not, why not?

Imagine the fate of the human race if, when the first human who decided to eat plants or animals told all the others and they responded "HAHA Brutusk, show us government studies! Until then, we'll starve to death, since there is no PROOF that eating plants and animals prevents death."
This is absurd on its face. Obviously there is plenty of evidence that eating is necessary to maintain life, and of course people and animals have been eating long before there were governments.

On gov't studies, for the Nth time, nobody is asking for gov't studies, or university studies, or even any kind of controlled study at all. Sure, those things would be nice, and could be definitive, but they're certainly not necessary.

How about just a documented CASE REPORT of a person whose cancer has been cured by cannabinoids?

This is something a pot-smoking medical student could do in their spare time. . .assuming they could actually find someone whose cancer actually responded to cannabis therapy. Hell, even a cured PATIENT could do this by themselves. . .all patients are allowed copies of their medical records, and you don't have to be a big medical "expert" to post before and after images of a shrunken tumor. Its not like doctors, nurses, or other health care professionals don't get cancers,either.
I've watched almost all of the "Rick Simpson Oil" videos and cannabis documentaries I've been able to find. You could do the same. There are numerous people claiming the oil either helped them or someone close to them to either treat or cure cancer and other various ailments. Maybe some of them are outright lying, or exaggerating as most people do - but all of them? I highly doubt that, especially the ones who are making the claims based on their experiences with giving hemp oil to their child and witnessing a night and day change.

For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmviQBB5DHs

It's not a study, but it is something. There any many other claims similar to that one, if you look for them. There's likely not enough hard evidence to convince everyone that cannabis treats/cures cancer and other things, but I think if you are able to think freely enough to connect the dots, it's not hard to believe. Currently, because of the massive amount of hard evidence you're looking for, there's a bit of faith that has to be involved.

It reminds me a lot of religion. Some people believe there's a magic man in the sky looking down on them lovingly, accepting them no matter what - as long as they say sorry periodically for all the terrible stuff they do. He created the whole universe in just 6 days, and created people out of thin air and some bones, and fairy dust. And he's everywhere. Always. The people who choose to believe in things like that do so with faith. They take the information that's available to them and they use their brains to decide whether or not it's true.

With cannabis and cancer, currently, I think people have to do something similar - though there's much more "evidence" to support the cannabis/cancer situation, haha.

As for medical records, the little boy that was cured of brain cancer with cannabis in that video is likely the best you'll get for the time being. Cannabis as medicine is still too much on the fringe to expect extremely structured studies and documentation of self-cures, especially people who might have been extremely weak and frail. Those people aren't going to put forth the effort themselves, while they're fighting for their lives, to write down detailed journals just to satisfy your skepticism. You'll hear about it after the fact, with them providing as many details as they can from memory and few pictures, if that.

It will just take time until there's definitive documentation and such. For now, you just gotta have faith... or don't. Whatever floats your boat. :fire:
Jogro, if your thoughtful posts save even one person from the ridiculous and unfounded claims that cannabis cures lung cancer then your efforts have been well placed. A family member has been the latest victim of such claims and worse than the financial and relationship loss is the loss of dignity in end of life that these false claims created. Dignity at end of life should include acceptance and open discussion about the patients' wishes. It should not include denial of the prognosis despite the overwhelming objective evidence, it should not involve hallucinations of dead people and should not involve increased safety risks associated with heightened agitation and trying to get out of bed when that is clearly dangerous. The list of risks is endless and real. Please provide any relevant links that support the lack of research. With kindness and thanks, Delta
I dont want to claim cannabis cures cancer; I am still waiting for evidence. I think jogro and witch doctor make some good points.

I do see one flaw in Jogro's logic:

That there is no difference between an orginazation (AMA and ACS for examples) that PROFITs from trying to "cure" diseases and one that is truly trying to cure disease. In my research I have found these to be mutually exclusive, and when they are not... it was an unintentional accident.

just mho