High CBD

I heard something about an R4 strain [high CBD] in CO. They are/were or planning to giving seed to patients.

Its called Charlootes web now, after the little girl it helped 'cure' of her symptoms..

Check out the Sanjay Gupta special on cnn
I thought the "clubs" had better prices???

I just looked at the Trichome Health Club menu, and their idea of "very reasonable suggested donations" of $60 an eighth makes me wonder...

This is AZ man, EVERYONE here will talk about compassionate pricing, then turn around and charge you 60 an eight or more. If you want compassion, you need to find a new state haha.
NO ONE here will set you up for less than 250 an oz. They are all too pro.

Compassion and capitalism are mutually exclusive, especially here.
Hÿdra;9503649 said:
This is AZ man, EVERYONE here will talk about compassionate pricing, then turn around and charge you 60 an eight or more. If you want compassion, you need to find a new state haha.
NO ONE here will set you up for less than 250 an oz. They are all too pro.

Compassion and capitalism are mutually exclusive, especially here.

Very often it's 200 to 240 an ounce around here.
I know 4 growers on this forum getting 240 or less too.
Very often it's 200 to 240 an ounce around here.
I know 4 growers on this forum getting 240 or less too.

LOL ok man. So im not sure why you are lying, Or maybe you guys are just sticking it to Tucson people....who knows. NOT ONE PERSON from RIU has EVER quoted me less than 250 a zip, present company INCLUDED.

The few time i have been out since i got my card i have asked around on here and elsewhere, and i have NEVER gotten a descent grower to quote less than 250, and its often closer to 300. So all you posers talking about compassion are just bullshitting people. Sure you can get someone to sell you some B grade weed for 200(even this is difficult), but after growing your own is B grade really worth it at any price??? Is B grade weed REALLY medical?

Maybe i am way off base here, but EVERYONE here quotes prices over 250 all the time, at least to me lol. Maybe you all hate me and i dont realize it. Maybe most of you guys are ridiculously full of shit.
Only time its over 240 is if it is top shelf and thats never been over 280. I am sure a few people will chime in on this.
I dont have anyone visit me from tucson but i do help out a guy in sierra vista sometimes and he comes here for high quality, low cost.

hit me up on pm if you want to talk.
Only time its over 240 is if it is top shelf and thats never been over 280. I am sure a few people will chime in on this.
I dont have anyone visit me from tucson but i do help out a guy in sierra vista sometimes and he comes here for high quality, low cost.

hit me up on pm if you want to talk.

Wow 'never' turned into 'sometimes' pretty quickly huh.......

All im saying is stop bullshitting people. You DO charge 250 + for the good stuff, which is the only stuff medical patients can really find any sort of relief from. You sell B grade stuff at affordable prices, as i said.

You're a cool ass mofo, but stop bullshitting.
It's out there .... I can't vouch for anyone else's experience but I know a few growers who let it go for very little.

Lots of people don't even grow, and just middleman product around... probably what you have been getting involved with.

There's some cool cats in Az, but as many posts and posters on this forum demonstrate, there are still a lot of con men, liars, and unstable folk.... a lot of reasons to keep your head low.

Good luck discerning between the 2... will require some lumps and bruises
Maybe you got hooked up with the wrong folks.
...and maybe I misunderstood the law. I GIVE MINE AWAY. FREE.
My reward is seeing the relief it gives and knowing they won't have to compromise food or other "luxuries" to be paying $500 a month or more for their meds. The folks I work with cannot afford, neither can I.
...and I have given SSVs to two patients..
I thought the "clubs" had better prices???

I just looked at the Trichome Health Club menu, and their idea of "very reasonable suggested donations" of $60 an eighth makes me wonder...

Clubs and dispensary's all look like the same price; higher than me.
I would love to get my hands on some high cbd strain like Harlequin. Can't find it anywhere. Glendale disp. has a strain that's high (somasang or something like that) but I'd like a gram to try before wasting money on the minimum dispensary eigth.
Well, if anyone wants to give me some properly grown herb (I learned to grow in the 80's) send me a pm. I'm a card holder, recently moved back to AZ.

I've been known to start giving away cash after a hit of some quality meds:bigjoint:
Very often it's 200 to 240 an ounce around here.
I know 4 growers on this forum getting 240 or less too.

KAL is spot on with what he's saying here. There are some very good meds going around with prices that are a nice change from what you seem to be finding.
And the reason we are seeing the $20 gram right now at the dispensaries is because we are paying taxes on them.

Green Halo in Tucson has the prices listed as $13 a gram with $7 going to the state in taxes. Which is good and bad. Good in where the state is receiving money which in turn will help push the legalization and prices will drop, bad for us now in the wallets especially not being able to grow.

Colorado was expensive at first too, but they soon realized there is more money in pushing ozs instead of nickel and diming everyone to death. I think they pay $35 an oz in taxes. I paid $150 an oz in Denver (when you buy 2) back in May before I moved back to Az
Hÿdra;9504627 said:
Wow 'never' turned into 'sometimes' pretty quickly huh.......

All im saying is stop bullshitting people. You DO charge 250 + for the good stuff, which is the only stuff medical patients can really find any sort of relief from. You sell B grade stuff at affordable prices, as i said.

You're a cool ass mofo, but stop bullshitting.

I didnt see where he said 'never'. Kal El has treated me right. It is always at least very good, and occasionally super. Accordingly, I donated approximately as noted above. He is not lying.
PS Kal, thanks for the unexpected excellent visitor's bowl yesterday, my first GS cookies!
Maybe you got hooked up with the wrong folks.
...and maybe I misunderstood the law. I GIVE MINE AWAY. FREE.
My reward is seeing the relief it gives and knowing they won't have to compromise food or other "luxuries" to be paying $500 a month or more for their meds. The folks I work with cannot afford, neither can I.
...and I have given SSVs to two patients..

I'm not trying to "blow my own horn" here...just saying
...If you get with the right folks, life can be good/better. There is a lot more to "caregiving" than making good meds.
I'm not trying to "blow my own horn" here...just saying
...If you get with the right folks, life can be good/better. There is a lot more to "caregiving" than making good meds.

Now, Azoned is one guy that i KNOW is "one of the good ones". Azoned is excluded from what i said, i hear such lovely things about the guy.
From what i hear, Azoned has every right to toot his own horn.
And the reason we are seeing the $20 gram right now at the dispensaries is because we are paying taxes on them.

Green Halo in Tucson has the prices listed as $13 a gram with $7 going to the state in taxes. Which is good and bad. Good in where the state is receiving money which in turn will help push the legalization and prices will drop, bad for us now in the wallets especially not being able to grow.

Colorado was expensive at first too, but they soon realized there is more money in pushing ozs instead of nickel and diming everyone to death. I think they pay $35 an oz in taxes. I paid $150 an oz in Denver (when you buy 2) back in May before I moved back to Az

Since when is weed taxed over 50%?
Hÿdra;9504627 said:
Wow 'never' turned into 'sometimes' pretty quickly huh.......

All im saying is stop bullshitting people. You DO charge 250 + for the good stuff, which is the only stuff medical patients can really find any sort of relief from. You sell B grade stuff at affordable prices, as i said.

You're a cool ass mofo, but stop bullshitting.

Dont put words in my mouth. I never said never.
I am not bullshitting. I dont move B grade meds.
Its grade A or its connoiseur quality aka top shelf.
I dont need to defend myself and I dont need to be called a liar.