High Costs of Legalization


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Local governments in B.C. are spending millions on administration, planning and enforcement related to recreational cannabis, but are still waiting for the province to share the spoils of legalization.
Thursday marks a year since cannabis was legalized in Canada, and the issue of how the province will share with municipalities the provincial percentage of the federal excise tax that is applied to medical and non-medical cannabis has been outstanding since before legalization.
“It’s very important to our members,” said Sooke Mayor Maja Tait, who is president of the Union of B.C. Municipalities. “Many scrambled to provide the framework, to have it in place, and we were all under the understanding that we would receive some of this revenue.”
Earlier this year, at the request of the province, the UBCM surveyed its members and received responses from 34 communities representing 44 per cent of B.C.’s population about the costs they had incurred related to legalization.
It showed that over three years, 2018-2020, those municipalities together expected to pay $15.2 million in capital and operating costs. Policing was the biggest bill for local governments, at 33 per cent of all reported incremental costs. Municipal administration and support, bylaw enforcement, and planning and zoning each made up 19 per cent of local government costs.
Business licensing fees only offset those costs to a small degree, the UBCM said, but it varies widely depending on how much municipalities decided to charge for marijuana business licenses.
Using the reported costs, the UBCM estimates that altogether B.C. local governments will incur an average of $11.5 million per year in incremental costs due to cannabis legalization.
Unsurprisingly, local governments that allow non-medical cannabis retail operations reported significantly higher costs, especially policing, compared to those that do not.
Tait said many municipalities, including hers, likely didn’t participate in the survey because it came out around property tax time and required resources to compile information.
“In some ways, it’s another download to even now have to put time and effort into obtaining that information,” she said.
Vancouver, the largest city to respond, had a three-year cost estimate of almost $7.6 million. Policing was the biggest expense for Vancouver, at $3.2 million, followed by municipal administration and support at almost $2.2 million. Bylaw enforcement costs are pegged at almost $1.5 million. Human resources and labour relations, planning and zoning, and fire and emergency services were also included in Vancouver’s tab.
Mayor Kennedy Stewart, a former NDP MP, said cannabis legalization was one of the last items he voted on as a federal elected official.
“While I was in Ottawa, I never thought about how this would impact municipalities, but now I’m on the other side of it I see that municipalities are doing the vast majority of the work when it comes to the transition for legal cannabis,” Stewart said. “It has been an ongoing expense to the city, both in time and resources.”
Vancouver has 12 licensed private cannabis retail outlets, 10 that have development permits and are in the process of becoming legal retailers and five that are illegal.
Stewart said he expects the UBCM will eventually come to a deal with the province on excise tax revenue sharing, and he’s willing to be patient until that happens, however when he goes to Victoria in a few weeks it’ll be on his agenda.
“We need help because, again, it comes right out of property tax bases and it wasn’t our decision, it was a federal decision, and they made provisions in the act that municipalities would have some revenue, we just need to work out that agreement and see the money start flowing,” Stewart said.
On the other end of the spectrum, the District of Tofino, which has a population of about 2,000, has a three-year cost estimate of $35,627 or about one per cent of the municipality’s annual tax revenue. Most of that figure is one-time operating costs, and more than half of the total was spent in 2018. About $24,000 is administration costs, and the rest is planning and zoning. The district has approved applications for two private retail stores, though neither has opened yet.
Mayor Josie Osborne said the amount of work that went into policy making and planning was significant.
“You could look at that as extra costs, the other way that I look at it is we haven’t changed our staffing, so that just means less work being done in other areas,” Osborne said. “When we’re grappling with other really important issues in our community, like affordable housing, every moment that a planner is working on cannabis policy is a minute that they’re not work on an afford housing project, say.”
She said transferring excise tax revenue to local governments is important not only to recoup the money they have spent, but also to recognize that they have been given extra authority and need resources to do the work that goes along with them.
“We have really very little choice but to increase staffing and thus increase property taxes because we need to pay for these services that are not being done by other levels of government,” she said.
Nelson, a city of almost 11,000 in the B.C. Interior that has only private cannabis retail, said it would spend $216,794 over three years. This figure includes $30,000 in capital expenses and $109,034 in one-time operating expenses in 2018, and $38,880 in continuing operating expenses in 2019 and 2020.
The city cited policing as its biggest expense, at $125,200, followed by planning and zoning at $72,594. The rest of the spending is in administration and bylaw enforcement.
B.C. Finance Minister Carole James said, in an emailed statement, that there have been “significant costs” associated with the provincial cannabis regulatory framework and she does not expect revenues to exceed initial expenses from legalization.
The province had estimated that it would receive $125 million over two years — $50 million in the first year and $75 million in the second — however that estimate was lowered this spring when it received its first payment from the federal government. Now, it’s expected the province will receive $132 million over three years.
Tait said it’s her understanding that the shortfall is one of the reasons why municipalities still don’t have a deal with the province.
“While we appreciate that … we have costs and we know the province does as well, but certainly the province didn’t have to justify their costs to the feds when they received the flow through,” Tait said.
James said the province will continue to work with municipalities on cannabis revenue sharing.
“Those discussions are progressing,” she said, pointing to last month’s meeting with the UBCM joint cannabis working group.
In the short term, the UBCM would like to see a two-year agreement that sees 40 per cent of the projected provincial excise tax revenue given to B.C. local governments. The tax would be distributed based on population, but municipalities and regional districts would receive at least $10,000, regardless of population.
Long term, the union proposed that the province could either continue the short-term agreement, or increasing the provincial sales tax on cannabis, with the revenue going to local governments instead of excise tax revenue.
Ontario, Quebec and Alberta have agreements for transferring cannabis tax revenue to local governments.
Tait said the UBCM will continue to follow up with the province and advocate for its member local governments.
“We have had a very productive relationship with the province on this matter all the way through,” she said. “We look forward to continuing that work and to a favourable response.”
Greedy fucks stabbin at each other at every level...acting like the buncha butt hurt drug dealers they are....hahahahahahahahah
There's the laughing part GB
Backstabbing like the drug dealers they role play being .Kinda like the lawyers who get a Harley and a leather vest and call themselves a biker. Buncha suits. Just another culture these people think money buys their way into.
arlier this year, at the request of the province, the UBCM surveyed its members and received responses from 34 communities representing 44 per cent of B.C.’s population about the costs they had incurred related to legalization.
It showed that over three years, 2018-2020, those municipalities together expected to pay $15.2 million in capital and operating costs. Policing was the biggest bill for local governments, at 33 per cent of all reported incremental costs. Municipal administration and support, bylaw enforcement, and planning and zoning each made up 19 per cent of local government costs.
Hmmmm.....we're still 2019....
When we’re grappling with other really important issues in our community, like affordable housing, every moment that a planner is working on cannabis policy is a minute that they’re not work on an afford housing project, say.”
Whatever, say...pffft...
“We have really very little choice but to increase staffing and thus increase property taxes because we need to pay for these services that are not being done by other levels of government,” she said.
Hahahaha....there it is....