High Current DC Fan Controllers


Hey all, I'm in search of a 12V DC fan controller that can handle about 4A. My vent fan is a bilge blower so it puts out some nice CFMs but I need to quiet it down a bit. All I can find are PC fan controllers that cannot do more than an amp per channel. Anyone have a reasonably priced solution to this?

Also, I'm looking for a cheap 12VDC power supply with at least 4A output. I bought a cheap one on Amazon that couldn't sustain large currents very long, so my fan just sputters. I'm looking at one on Mouser right now that can do 4.2A but costs $26 something.


Well-Known Member
$26 for a 4 amp 12 vdc power supply is a very good price.
got an old PC? the power supply in it should work


$26 for a 4 amp 12 vdc power supply is a very good price.
got an old PC? the power supply in it should work
Hmm I see. Thought I could do better, but I guess that will have to do. Yea, I have like 4 or 5 old PSUs at my parent's house but I don't want to make them ship one of them out to me. Thanks for the advice.