High EC readings with correct dosage of nutes...help???


Active Member
Hi, i am currently growing a single plant in cana coco professional plus in a 15l pot. I am watering it every other day or when the medium feels dry with 2lites of ph adjusted water and micro-grow-bloom nutes. I make up the feed, using a pipette to measure the nutes and follow the back of the bottles for how much of each to use. I follow the ml/l line and double it up. After a good stir i measure the EC reading and whenever i do it reads twice as much as is recommended. Coiuld anyone tell me where i am going wrong here.



Active Member
Hi, its a generic model of EC Pen purchased of ebay (LOT µS EC Conductivity Tester)
It seems to work ok, the pH of water here is 7.5.
The nutes i am using are Advances Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom

Cheers again


Well-Known Member
Is your meter calibrated right? Cause 1.0 ec is like 700 ppms right? that would make your water over 5,000 ppms which is unheard of here in the states my water is 130 ppms I use the Advance nutes to the sensi bloom and grow and Connoisseur ph perfect my next grow like whatever the bottles say is close to what you want except for maybe a young plant and they say give it a full dose you know better than that I hope this chart of Advance Nutes is good except the first two weeks I would cut back on the nutes depending on the size of the plants you still need good tester to be safe............



New Member
Your EC pen has a .5 conversion factor and reads PPM most likely. On the back of the AN bottles, do they give a ppm or EC value? What may be going on is AN calls for an EC value but your meter is in PPM. The PPM for instance reads 1000 which translates to EC of 2 (2000us) Is that the case? The bottle values are in EC?


Active Member
On the label it is measured in PPM, at the moment it states it should be 1000PPM but when i tested the feed it was 2000.