High Grade Seeds


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Seeds - Highest Quality Marijuana Seeds Online

anyone have anything to say about this company?

he guarantees delivery, if it doesnt come, he resends.

now the only question is, what do you think about his strains? are they quality?

no other company will guarantee seed delivery, not one, and if you can prove me wrong please do so, because i have searched.

thanks for any input :lol:

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I have heard Highgrade is reliable but have yet to order from them. I have used the same as Cr8z13 with no problems.


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks for tip guys, i have heard good things about those companies as well.

but the fact this guy guarantees you get the seeds, or he resends them is awesome.

but i wanna make sure you are getting dank seeds, cause its still $40-50