High grow 4.20


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yup and hopefully you did a custom install as it also comes with a web monitor attached to it so they can watch what sites you connect to and then hit you with marketing without you even knowing


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol bit comet is like tripling you likely hood to get a tracker or virus as most programs are provided from hackers who know people like free stuff so they attach script to the install program thats why you always find the original program size and match it to the bitcomet sizes and if the bit comet doesnt match sizes it has extras attached.Make sure you always save then virus scan the zip or files before launching or you unlocking your computer to every hacker out there as its really easy if someone just downloads and installes without checking first


Well-Known Member
just finished a battle with my computer a little while ago but im still having probs like how i am no longer the administrator dont know how that happen........so i cant acess my control panel or ne thing


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You probably downloaded a virsu that took control of your machine via a back door open port.If its locked you completely out of admin control then more then likely someone is browsing your system looking for left over info like tax paper works or if you ever paid online with a credit card or check they looking for that info or any kind of banking info or sign in information. You use proxies, firewalls, and scanners togethjer right to help detect and stop intruders?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Alot for the info i do already have two of the prog. will check the others out ill let you know how it goes