high humidity problems during flowering?????

well hows it goin all been havin a few problems with humidity. well i have 8 skunk 47 on da go just about 2 days into my 3rd week of flowering. well i had no exhaust untill yesterday and with da lights off it was sometimes 99% humidity and down to about 70% with lights on. i sorted an exhaust into da attic yesterday and it dropped to about 45% lights on and 65% lights off i have a dehumidifier goin 24/7. do these seem ok ordo i need dem lower? any input wud be greatly appreciated


Active Member
well hows it goin all been havin a few problems with humidity. well i have 8 skunk 47 on da go just about 2 days into my 3rd week of flowering. well i had no exhaust untill yesterday and with da lights off it was sometimes 99% humidity and down to about 70% with lights on. i sorted an exhaust into da attic yesterday and it dropped to about 45% lights on and 65% lights off i have a dehumidifier goin 24/7. do these seem ok ordo i need dem lower? any input wud be greatly appreciated
The lower the better in flowering. especially when the buds start getting big. 45 is still high.


Well-Known Member
you could try buying a little cheap de-humidifier from wal mart. That would be easiest. But if you do not have the money for it you could try just putting towels around your garden...Dry towels, or rice, something like that.


Active Member
mine seems to stay like 16-25,i think what keeps my room this way is the exhaust,is this too low?(omg thread jack jk)

but yeah i got a can100 and a 745cfm high-output fan in a room..i think it is what keeps my room cool and low humidity,aside from the room being a decent size. no dehumidifiers or anything,room is around 70-80f