High Output T5 Fluoescent Light Fixture


Well-Known Member
So uh. My friend's been growing with this for like a couple weeks, I was messin around with it yesterday and noticed it had another plug-in on the other side of it.. The plug you use to power the fixture is built-in, while this one is a socket that you'd use an extension cord with... No idea what its suppose to be.. Maybe the air conditioning, perhaps thats why the light is so fuckin hot man.


Active Member
can i ask where he got that light because i bought 7 75-watt lights of america lights and they work lovely i just want some thing that can hang from the ceiling ya know um going to grab a metal hallide in like another week so. but i need as much flourescent lighting as i can get

and where do you get that cord to hook it at the end and do the piggy back row of lights?


Well-Known Member
They are really high for just a floro but i had a friend who used them for his veg room nd wrked ik a champ make sure you keep it close to the plant they do tend t get a ittle streachy


Well-Known Member
and where do you get that cord to hook it at the end and do the piggy back row of lights?
It comes in the package...if you buy the right ones.

T5 high output is like... uber fuckin expensive
I paid about $40 for each of my 36" 39w Sunblasters, I have never regretted that purchase...it's true that 400w of T5s would be alot more than a 400wHPS, but you also raise you watts/cubic foot more than you ever could with HPS.


Well-Known Member
Well I have a source that can get them for 5 a piece just about. Also hps 400 watt bulbs for around 15. I'm thinking of starting a ebay store but I could give discounts for members on here


Active Member
It comes in the package...if you buy the right ones.

I paid about $40 for each of my 36" 39w Sunblasters, I have never regretted that purchase...it's true that 400w of T5s would be alot more than a 400wHPS, but you also raise you watts/cubic foot more than you ever could with HPS.
i need help can you tell me what brand and where he got them at?


Well-Known Member
My friend paid about $550 for his fixture. It is a 4-foot long, 8-bulb fixture with 43w per bulb. Just go onto google and type in T5 fixture. I'm not sure where he got it exactly.