high ppm water


Active Member
If you have high ppm water and growing hydro what negative effects can it have? I have heard alge growth, nutriet def amongst other things....anyone shed some light on this issue for me


New Member
Kind of depends on what is in you tap water ppm. Mine's 250-300 ppm out of the tap and I use GH Flora series Hard Water micro to knock down any problems. No nute problems after I started to use it. Without it I had nitrogen uptake problems and the roots didn't like it either.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I have read and been told to high PPM in the water can cause nute lockup on some of the elements. My from the tap measured 688PPM before any nutes being added. I was told I would have lockout problems. I got a 5 stage RO unit from ebay (no pressure water tank). I have a 30 gallon plastic storage barrel and put a RO float valve on it. The unit is 100 gallon per day so they are slow, but the float valve shuts it down when filled. Then just siphon or pump out the water you need from the barrel...It will auto fill with RO for you. My RO out shows 2PPM.
I did buy a 4 gallon pressure tank for drinking water (we refill our own water cooler jugs now), but if you not in a hurry for an amount of RO water fast, you don't need a pressure tank.


Active Member
I have read and been told to high PPM in the water can cause nute lockup on some of the elements. My from the tap measured 688PPM before any nutes being added. I was told I would have lockout problems. I got a 5 stage RO unit from ebay (no pressure water tank). I have a 30 gallon plastic storage barrel and put a RO float valve on it. The unit is 100 gallon per day so they are slow, but the float valve shuts it down when filled. Then just siphon or pump out the water you need from the barrel...It will auto fill with RO for you. My RO out shows 2PPM.
I did buy a 4 gallon pressure tank for drinking water (we refill our own water cooler jugs now), but if you not in a hurry for an amount of RO water fast, you don't need a pressure tank.

Ya i use an ro that does 100gal a day also. I have 4 32gallon garbage cans i fill on the reg and use a sump pump to feed it all through. I was just wondering about the lockout and shit bc my buddies plants are looking fine but 6 outta the bunch look real thin, yellowish green leaves that are curling and slowly getting crisp. he only has 4weeks lft of budding. His ppm is 152 from tap and seems like he ended up locking out nutes......


Well-Known Member
152 ppm is not that bad mine is 330

it could be yellowing because its the end of flowering. is it the whole plant or just the big fan leaves

there might be nothing wrong, if you try to correct "it" you can do a lot more harm then good


I have read and been told to high PPM in the water can cause nute lockup on some of the elements. My from the tap measured 688PPM before any nutes being added. I was told I would have lockout problems. I got a 5 stage RO unit from ebay (no pressure water tank). I have a 30 gallon plastic storage barrel and put a RO float valve on it. The unit is 100 gallon per day so they are slow, but the float valve shuts it down when filled. Then just siphon or pump out the water you need from the barrel...It will auto fill with RO for you. My RO out shows 2PPM.
I did buy a 4 gallon pressure tank for drinking water (we refill our own water cooler jugs now), but if you not in a hurry for an amount of RO water fast, you don't need a pressure tank.

if ur shit measured 600 from the tap u need to file for legal action against your water company, EPA's maxium contamination level is 500 ppm for water homie

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
if ur shit measured 600 from the tap u need to file for legal action against your water company, EPA's maxium contamination level is 500 ppm for water homie
Ohh, I know! I live in a small farm town so the town gets it water from a aquifer well head in view of my house...Along with the X acre corn/bean field less that 100 feet from it. I think they only pump the water and add chlorine. We have high natural fluoride levels also so am warned not to give to babies.
I may bitch to the EPA when I have NOTHING in the house as I don't want to stirr shit with the local govt and have people wanting to test from my pipes.


Ohh, I know! I live in a small farm town so the town gets it water from a aquifer well head in view of my house...Along with the X acre corn/bean field less that 100 feet from it. I think they only pump the water and add chlorine. We have high natural fluoride levels also so am warned not to give to babies.
I may bitch to the EPA when I have NOTHING in the house as I don't want to stirr shit with the local govt and have people wanting to test from my pipes.

omg dont give it to babies? are you fucking kidding me? dude thats totally fucked up i have a son if my water company told me that id lose it id call a lawyer man thats fucked up, if ur in fuckin america man thats bullshit u pay taxes call ur courthouse demand you speak to someone about it or youl file for legal action man, i tell u that really makes me mad if someone said not to give water that I BUY from a water company i would say YOU shouldnt be a water company, see ya in court thats my .02...FUCKED UP


man its caled fucking carbon filtration man, fucking fluoride...they are full of shit dude thats such bullshit

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
In America. Small farm town, population under 1000. No sewer treatment plant, just septic lagoon. Fluoride levels are "natural occurring". High fluoride messes with young teeth. I calibrate my PH meter +/- 20 PPM with 1500PPM solution. Welcome to small towns. Smaller towns everyone has their own wells and you get what you get. Remember, the run off of the fields is also going into the ground water that the town pumps into their tower.
I am going to bitch about it when all my grows are over and my place is "sterilized" of anything that would be out of the ordinary.


Well-Known Member
I like using the Mr. Clean spotless rinse filters. They reduce my tap water from 172 ppm to about 3. I can get around 35 gallons before changing filters. Works like a champ.