High temps!


Well-Known Member
how can i lower the heat in my airing cuboard, temps are ranging between 35-40 degrees. i have a fan constantly blowing in my growing area but. is ther anything else i can do :/? also without sounding like a dumbass can my plant grow well enough in this heat?


Well-Known Member
Naw, those temps are too high for your plant to grow...are you exhausting the hot air some how? You need to pull the hot air out of your grow area some how.


Well-Known Member
noo im too skint to buy an air inlet pipe etc :/, i dnt no how else i can lower the temp because it gets tht high every cycle


Active Member
how can i lower the heat in my airing cuboard, temps are ranging between 35-40 degrees. i have a fan constantly blowing in my growing area but. is ther anything else i can do :/? also without sounding like a dumbass can my plant grow well enough in this heat?
turn the fan around, have it blow air out of the area. look at basic setups. pull air out from the top, push/suck air in from the bottom(HEAT RISES). plants can veg at higher temps, but flowering requires a lower, steady temp


Well-Known Member
noo im too skint to buy an air inlet pipe etc :/, i dnt no how else i can lower the temp because it gets tht high every cycle
If you're not exhausting your hot air, you're always going to have heat issues unless you maybe look into LED's. Really, the hot air needs to come out of the grow area, and fresh air needs to be let in somehow...


Well-Known Member
i would have my fan blowing out air out of my airing cuboard but lets out to much light :/, my first plant seemed to be growing fine in the temps of 35-40 degrees until i overdosed it on nutes lol, its all trial and error for me at the moment


Well-Known Member
Well, other people have tried and error'd with temps at 40c, so why not learn from their mistakes? Good luck, find a way to exhaust the hot air or you'll probably have problems all the way through.


Is there some spare room in your grow box? if its letting out to much light with a fan make a wall to shield the exit from the light, lots of options to stop light exit/entering and a cheap exaust can be made for 10 bucks easy