drinking a shit ton of water should be a first when attempting to flush out THC no pun intendedWhat do you mean, water as a foundation?
Ive been smoking at least 2 grams per day for about 8 years now ... Still get way high ( get better weedDoes anyone have a high tolerance of weed? It seems that I smoke and get high for maybe 30 mins. I feel a little fuzzy for a while after....and then once I smoke, I can't get good and high for at least another 24 hours....I just get sort of heavy-headed.
I smoke weekdays from 5:30-11 and usually all weekend long. Been smoking that often for years, off and on. Mostly on.
I'm starting to just get annoyed by it. It's becoming more of a chore to try and get high.....it's not fun anymore and it certainly doesn't have the medicinal effect it used to. It's been a great help for my severe depression this past year, and I don't want to lose that. The strain I get from my CG is really good quality, but I don't know much about it. He's tested growing other strains, and I can definitely tell the difference, that they're not as good....I also have a high tolerance to pain meds. It takes about 10 Excedrin to put a dent in a headache.
Anyone have thoughts, comments, suggestions? I find myself wondering where I can get other drugs.....and I don't really think I should be trying new things.
^^^ yeah literally the reason i quit taking my adderallWhat all medications are you on I know of some people who take adderall and have the same problems.
I'm on Cymbalta. Only the past few months. I was on Wellbutrin before that, and I think I had the same issues with MM, and the Wellbutrin wasn't working then.What all medications are you on I know of some people who take adderall and have the same problems.
Yes....I did a little research and it's way too costly for me to make.A lil dab will do ya!
I've heard oil and extracts are the best...haven't had the opportunity to try them though.I'm pretty sure there's like 3 collectives in grand rapids and a delivery service. Not quite sure what their all like to be honest but I'm sure you could find something if you really wanted too.
Some properly made oil from trim would knock you and your ass.
I'd say it's time to start growin. Should that vinegar be unpasteurized?id say that will help but thats even stronger what do you think is going to happen later when you cant get medicated then? id say just take a break for a lil bit or try a flushing drink not the 6 hour drink but a week long flushing. i went to purple east a couple years ago and they had this apple cider stuff that takes a week and worked great.
Anyone else read the article about adderall in this months HT? I thought it was a very good read and painfully illustrated some real problems with our current drug policies/practices.^^^ yeah literally the reason i quit taking my adderall