high yield and thc strains.


maybe someone are experience, about high yield strain I mean from seed to harvest in 120-150 day's) 1kg + /per plant and thc around 20%-27% this plant exist? if yes then how it's called to be possibly fund it ;)
If I found this strain, I grow it in greenhouse, there are 150-250w CFL per plant and 3 x 9 meters greenhouse what I think was been good place for 27 plants 1m2 per plant...I think switch on CFL in morning 3-4 h before sun, because then are more colder. 18h day/ 6h night our 20 h day/ 4h night what are more better ?


450-500g/m² it's are 45-50 grams per plant?
maybe then better grow
Black Destroyer from OSCC,thc 22% and up to 800 grams per plant. 2-3 meters
Chronic Lights from OSSC,thc 18% and same,up to 800 grams per plant. 1.5-2.5 meters
Anubis from Pyramid seeds, thc 15-18% but 600 grams per plant, Height: 100-120 cm


Well-Known Member
In N.Cali Blue Dream is known more as a production, high yield plant with average potentcy. All the experienced growers I know would never call it high potentcy or top shelf. Although despensaries do, but we all know about despensary tactics- very sketchy.
I agree. Although its not up there with tons of THC is it a very very popular smoke.


Well-Known Member
Yield and THC content looks great on paper. But the reality is, its all about the grow.


Well-Known Member
Dinafem Seeds moby dick period. 21%thc with a presence of thcv (psychoactive/activated by UV)

These two images are of the same single plant.. gigantic outdoors and its still vegging in both images.. theres a forum post somewhere about this and it shows the yield :O

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