Highest Art

Watched Blade today - it was sick like it always is. Had 2 draw a vampire lady. Vampires are one of the coolest if I must say. I watched that Abraham Lincoln Vampire movie last week and that was pretty cool too. Not sure why it’s really a thing - you know with Abe and Vampires.. but the effects and action were inspiring. Trying to think of another cool Vampire movie to watch.. Maybe that new-we one with Will Smith and those Elves. Not vampires but still looks awesome I think it’s called bright? Netflix time

Watched Blade today - it was sick like it always is. Had 2 draw a vampire lady. Vampires are one of the coolest if I must say. I watched that Abraham Lincoln Vampire movie last week and that was pretty cool too. Not sure why it’s really a thing - you know with Abe and Vampires.. but the effects and action were inspiring. Trying to think of another cool Vampire movie to watch.. Maybe that new-we one with Will Smith and those Elves. Not vampires but still looks awesome I think it’s called bright? Netflix time

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Man, when it comes to vampire movies, nothing beats Blade. So many awesome scenes. One of my favourites is when he piano wires the guys head off, then catches the sun glasses.
There is no beating Blade, man. Might as well watch the second one now

Yea man. I don't even know how many times I watched it before I noticed the part right after he rips the guys throat right out. I was always caught up in him rippin it out, I missed the part right after where he throws the guys throat at the next guys head. Shit is hilarious. It happens so quick.
Yea man. I don't even know how many times I watched it before I noticed the part right after he rips the guys throat right out. I was always caught up in him rippin it out, I missed the part right after where he throws the guys throat at the next guys head. Shit is hilarious. It happens so quick.
I think Blade II is next
Once it's about money, the art suffers. It's a hard balance because you need to make a living but the true art is priceless.
Most definitely, the art suffers terribly...it turns into piece work, without the passion. This happened to my daughter with hot glass work. She always did it for fun, to be creative. After starting sales, she stopped completely...it became a job.....work.