Highest yielding strain?


Well-Known Member
You ask a huge question. You may be able to narrow it down to an indica, sativa and hybrid that yield around the same cap, but with different times in which that yield is created


Active Member
i found 1 i think its from kiwi seeds(i dont rememba the name), it harvests 2.5 KG, outdoor ofc maby big bud? but these days i dunno,


Well-Known Member
You ask a huge question. You may be able to narrow it down to an indica, sativa and hybrid that yield around the same cap, but with different times in which that yield is created
I should have narrowed it down a bit. Highest yield inn shortest time with least amount of life and easy to care for (self sufficient).


Active Member
Oof what a big variable! Everything depends on everything! Your growing conditions, if you've invested thousands of dollars into a very professional setup, and how much care and pure attention you will be giving them.
There is no strain that has proved to grow more weed than any other strain in any conditions.


Well-Known Member
do a search about cash crops they are the biggest yeilders, ie . big bud , hashberry , chronic ect. i hear g16 haze is the strongest and biggest yielding plant around at the mo?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I grew some white russians from seed to smoke took me 3 months and i got a decent yeild. Peace


Well-Known Member
I agree with Dr. High. White Russian puts out a nice yield....smoke is good 2.

In fact i'm going to smoke some now....:joint: