Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)


Well-Known Member
i would just and up the nutes a lil, take another pic, those are kinda unlcear to get an idea how she looks
I took more pictures. The quality isn't great because I just have a 1.3mp camera phone. I feed it more nutes and upped the water and it's seems to be doing better. I also put in two 42w CFL in addition to the 8 23w CFLs. I've got three seedlings and two plants in veg stage.


Ok, I must've been high when I gave space dimensions too. This setup is about 5' high and 2' wide. Given this should I try and grow this sucker tall?


Well-Known Member
Yea i would topp her right in half where that node is, i would jus trim those lower yellow leaves as well or that one
Topping seems to be successful. The plant is still growing strong. I replaced the 2700ks with 6500k except for the 2 42w that are 2700k. This should help these plants grow a bit faster I'm hoping. I can't believe I didn't think of doing this until now. I guess I've learned another good lesson in growing.
Update 1/09/

I'm down to two seedlings. Since switching to a mostly 6500k light I've seen a huge improvement in growth. You can see I got a little nute burn on one plant and a weird leaf curling I've never seen before. Could it be a reaction in temperature drop or an overfeeding problem? There might be a draft in that closet that I'm not seeing or feeling.


Backed the lights off and bought a bigger fan for the room. It's helped the smaller plants stretch and it should help the heat stress.
Update 1/24

I've put the two big ones into flowering mode...well hopefully. I've switched them back to the 2700k and put them on the 12/12. The 2700k CFLs have helped lower the temp in there and the soil is not drying out as fast. I'm going to back off the Nitrogen and all nutes in general as the cut backs I've been doing don't seem to be enough as I'm still getting some "under curl" and yellow tips.



Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, im sure a break from the nutes should helps thing's, some plants can take more then other's, i have one now that i was using nutes on at first, but after a bump or two in the dosage she starting yellowing, so now im just using plain water, then giving her a light feeding with nutrients

keep us posted, lookin forward to see some buds :weed:

I'll need to find a way to take a picture, but it's looking like one of the big ones is a female. Of the two big plants I was hoping that one would be the female. I am just barely able to see the white hairs with the naked eye.....well with my perscription glasses anyway. I guess I needed a sign to signify if my closet was staying dark enough to induce flowering. A weight off my mind, now to just keep it that dark for the next 7-8 weeks. My two young ones look to be indicas. They have really taken off well. I'll try and snap some pics this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the female, males tend to show first, so would could have a bunch of ladies on your hands :weed:
[QUOTE="SICC";3719866]Congrats on the female, males tend to show first, so would could have a bunch of ladies on your hands :weed:[/QUOTE]

I think you're right. The other big plant is starting to show a little white hair just barely peeking out. What luck...especially with bagseed and the stress I put those girls though. I'm itching for this grow to finish out so I can start growing some quality strains.

My tallest is about 11-1/2 inches tall and I topped it at 6 inches and in that month it's grown almost another 6 inches. It'll probably be around 2 feet or so by the end of flowering if it keeps growing at this pace. I bought some bloom formula, but I think it still has too much nitrogen in it. I'll try and look for something else this weekend. These plants are very sensitive to nitrogen.

The pots they are in are a 6X6X6 and the roots are so thick I can barely get a finger past an inch of soil or so. I could get bigger pots, but I don't know if I really want these plants getting above 2' or so.

Also, the plants have been on the flowering cycle....maybe a week so the fact that I'm seeing sex this early is very promising. I had some real fear about this stage of the cycle, but so far so good.
Update 2/2

I went ahead and put all four into flowering as I'd like to start fresh after this grow with good fem seeds. However, one of the little plants has shown female. 3 females out of 4 and from bagseed is pretty lucky, but I don't want to go through the guessing game again. You'll notice I've got better pics this time around. I'm not sure how much that's going to continue as I'm borrowing the camera from the old man. I've been adding some flowering nutes, but just lightly. I think the flower nutes still have a little too much nitrogen as you can see some curling going on. I'm seriously thinking of just going straight water just to avoid the burn and curl as I can't seem to avoid it however light the nutes are.

I'm thinking harvest will probably be around the end of March, but I'm going to invest in a good magnifying glass and just hold out until I've got about 50% amber on the sticky.

