Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

HC can i ask a quick question.. when you pollinate a girl do you do it at a specific time regardless of the strain? for example do you pollinate all your girls 5 weeks into flower or earlier/later or at any random time you have the pollen ?

Week 3 is when was I told to pollinate the females when I first started and that seems to work great, week 4 you might be ok but week 5 you may be pushing it. Cowboy may think otherwise though ;)
Anytime after week 3 and well.... as long as you still have white hairs, let you know if partially turned whites still work ;)

**Technically you can pollinate the preflowers and avoid pollinating the full on buds.
Week 3 is when was I told to pollinate the females when I first started and that seems to work great, week 4 you might be ok but week 5 you may be pushing it. Cowboy may think otherwise though ;)
same here..week 3 is when my plants get sexually abused with polen....some late 2 weeks works but i like to wait for a bud cluster to form a lil bit. This way has never let me down, plus it gives you anuf seed growing time if you run 7-8 week strains :)
hey Hc... you know i would never jack your thread bro, but i know your camera if fooked.... so i thought i would brighten your night with some stoney porn!!!!!

C4 x CB at almost three weeks, starting to frost up!!


C4 x CB.... but pregnant!!! (i hope) makin the F2's!!!



AK47 about 4-5 weeks now


Wonder Woman!!! and one for the LED lovers!!



Anytime after week 3 and well.... as long as you still have white hairs, let you know if partially turned whites still work ;)

**Technically you can pollinate the preflowers and avoid pollinating the full on buds.

o rdo i like i do and just pollinate em early so u dont have as many seeds. if i wanted to make more id pollinate a whole branch. i havnt done a whole plant yet. i dont need that many beans.
Awesome stoney thanks for the help!! They are all looking great you sure do grow them pretty :)

What's going on T. The male dog is asleep in the closet...tomorrow will be day 1. There are a few of his cuttings in the chamber too. Trimming up the other Beast DOG right now. That line has been severed. Colas almost the size of my arms on that sativa bitch. RIP lol!

Thanks again stoney
Awesome stoney thanks for the help!! They are all looking great you sure do grow them pretty :)

What's going on T. The male dog is asleep in the closet...tomorrow will be day 1. There are a few of his cuttings in the chamber too. Trimming up the other Beast DOG right now. That line has been severed. Colas almost the size of my arms on that sativa bitch. RIP lol!

Thanks again stoney

anytime bro!!! i love takin pics of my girls!!! hey, i just checked, and all three calizahr x CB's cracked and are ready for soil along with the two ice x cb's. that's 5/5 since late friday night!!!!
Hmn, interesting.... how exciting! :hump:
**Ya had to throw a wrench in the monkey works eh :D
Heri is sannies?! Thought about that one many times and just never pulled the trigger.
Its a shame alota the sativas arnt around anymore....jus goes ot shoe ya tho lol....green crack took a backseat to the oldskewl haha

hey Dizzle - I still have green crack in my garden! and you're right - sativas are usually poorly grown - most growers can't grow them good enough to get a descent yield out of them..... if grown right - they're the bomb!!
hey Dizzle - I still have green crack in my garden! and you're right - sativas are usually poorly grown - most growers can't grow them good enough to get a descent yield out of them..... if grown right - they're the bomb!!
That so true....ive had killer strains that were shitty cuz someone never took the time to treat em good
All is quiet on the eastern front this morning... somebody must be trimming :)

Haha no that was the past two days brobo :)

Thrilling morning lol,,,,breakfast was good but then to a couple of stores ha. Well one was lowes but that just means more pojects for me to do. Rest of the day should be pretty stony though, how's it going with you bro!
Ahhh I thought you'd had one more day still. You trim fast ;)

Just bongoed some Sweet Tooth... still not near ready, but there's a couple little popcorns from the bottom that I've dipped into as "first smoke of the day," and I must say, even though it's not there yet, the high on this one is nice, and I can see where the flavor is headed, too. Super body buzz right now, w/ that euphoric BB grin.

Funny, I'm headed to the home repair store today as well. . . on weed :weed: Later!