You gotta think tho, he is a kid, we did alota stupid shit to... The med sitiuation is goona suck, hes prolly gonn ahave try a few diff ones to find one that works. Hopefully hes back soon.
Whne i say generations of clones i mean how many runs its had , meaning the older that plant is alive the better the product gets. Doesnt have to be a clone from a clone, could be the orig seed plant that you just keep cutting from. So you cna keep the momma you have now, just keep cutting generations off that plant. Im tryng to make sense to, im super baked off of soem Mango Kush hash lol, makes me real stupid.
I jus took down my green BSB , fucker was loaded in resin and sticky as fuck . Im tempted to hash the whole plant up.
Damn I missed that post somehow.
Is this the one that was going to play some warped shows?
Psych meds can be tricky like that
i did the ice and salt thing wen i was younger... its funny cuz it doesnt hurt/ you dont feel anything from it.. soo i left it on my arm for a while. and awww mann.. it left quite a mark.. scarred for a few years. but it eventually went away... heyy HC. soo wat was the verdict on the Romulans?? found a pack of them in my seed stash. and i dont remember exactly wat the verdict was.. i kno u said the taste wasnt great... but thatsw all i remember.. might make my own space queen.. (C-99 x Romulan).... and ya kno wat i was thinking would be a GREAT cross... the BSB (the candy pheno) x C-99 (fruity or pineapple pheno) i kno the BSB packs a nice buzz.. and the cindys got that uplifting energetic high.. feel like it would be a NICE hybrid... adn have a great taste as well.. ughhh. im soooo pissed the BSB clone i had took didnt make it.... =( someday (soon) i would like to go pheno hunting again and try and land that awesome pheno again... the purpler pheno i have jsut does not compare to the candy/pink pheno... =( everybody was blown away by it.. that and the Arctic Express is a few ppl's favorite.. along with the cindy.. i did find 2 seeds out of the BSB candy pheno...wondering if they would be any good.. veg box is a lil packed at the moment.. but i might givem a go at sum point.
glad ur still runnin those flojas. =D the green pheno actually did pack sum punch from wat i remember. hope all is good man.. sorry to hear about everything with ur son man.. and hopefully they will find sumthing that works for him. =/ usually takes a few tries b4 they find sumthing that works for sum1. every1 reacts diff. to diff meds.. wishin him/you luck!
Chris - look back a page or two where hc tells me to cut at 8.5-9 weeks, he's talking about romulan, its what I'm growing.
If I remember it's a good high lacking smell and flavor
any reports with the c99 x ak47 yet?
Patience grasshoppaokay HC, Just wasnt sure if any were even planted yet
Mine are stuck in 1 gals still, Never really fed em and they are growing fast and are still green. So feedings should be easy They are kinda hard to tell to see which parent its taking after as they are all pretty uniorm. Ill sneak a pic after my doctors and get in up here.
IM doing alright
Inlaws in town and stayin with me,So a few more days of this and I might start being myself again.
still waiting for life insurance and disability %'s and now I might be starting this process over because doctors at the beginning didnt do their jobb and now i might have to be re-evaluated. Im getting inpatient and really wanna get on with it.
@ HC
Yeha man , the lil buddy will be home sooner than you think proly, eatin italian wheels and watchin flicks![]()
And no , i didnt hash the whole plant up , its just curing away as wel speak, the green pheno is real good... tastes like the purple one but with no currant taste, more skunky/sour and deff more potent. Real nice relaxing weed.
Ill take the sister in law off yur hands LOL
I might get ambitious and charge my camera batery finnaly lol.... mayb ill grab some pix to
Im blasted on Cindy hash , who esle wants to tap this hashes ass?
Piece of shit Defiant locks, keys break with barely any pressure...
Hope you are doing well HC. Keep up the good work, which btw is pretty amazing. I have a couple BMF's that I am sittin on for the right time to give them my full attention. Based on what I am seeing she is a top notch smoke![]()