Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ouch. I hear you it's nice to take a break. You been making a lot of seeds lately, got some nice dank coming out of your cave man. I'm trying to get my ass motivated lol, not a whole lot needs to be done though pretty much caught up. Upcanned 8 plants last night.

Smoking some dog and prolly just going to get a pizza lol


Well-Known Member
hey highlander not sure if you've said further back in the thread but are you supplementing co2 at all or just try to keep a lot of fresh air flowing?


Active Member
thats such a cool painting. when did you make it? very trippy how you blended it in with the plant.
it reminds me of one i did for GG13.
dont know how to post music videos did you say?
its easy..
go to you tube and select your video.
find the share tab under the video. and click it. A link will appear under it and you simply highlight the link and copy it
just click on insert video next in the reply next to the insert image icon,
and hit paste or contol v
and ok...
. vapor vapor puff puff pass the CHURCH.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey ambz how's it going. Thanks for the tip on how to imbed vids. I'm kinda slow in the puter dept lol. And most everything else too ;)

This cave man don't have the artistic ability to paint something like that my dear, I might be able to do cave drawings of stick figures and animals. If I don't get some sex soon I'm going to turn into an animal myself. Hey I'm proud of myself....My ex girlfriend stopped over last night, first time I had heard from her in a couple weeks and I stuck to my guns, still a free bird but damn that was close whew


Active Member
LOL! you horndog.. you better go find yourself another girl before you end up with your x agian!!
at this rate i bet by the end of the year your back with her again. anyone want to place bets here? lol


Well-Known Member
LOL! you horndog.. you better go find yourself another girl before you end up with your x agian!!
at this rate i bet by the end of the year your back with her again. anyone want to place bets here? lol
I can't bet against you though. holidays get lonely.


Active Member
yup the holidayz is a sure fire way for me to win this bet. He will never make it through the holidayz if he lets her into the house again. not this time of year. Maybe we can all pitch in and get him ...lol...one of those brand new expensive sex dolls that take care of all a mans needs minus the bitch factor...LOL!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hey highlander not sure if you've said further back in the thread but are you supplementing co2 at all or just try to keep a lot of fresh air flowing?
I don't supplement with co2 sensei but I do have a fresh air intake ie the ac with just the fan on. That and my house is just the opposite of an energy effecient home there is a lot of fresh air lol.

Hey I got your pm man,,,thanks for the heads up sounds like everything will be kosher. And of course I got your back jack ;)

LOL! you horndog.. you better go find yourself another girl before you end up with your x agian!!
at this rate i bet by the end of the year your back with her again. anyone want to place bets here? lol
I can't bet against you though. holidays get lonely.
Haha you guys crack me up lol, but your both right. It's only 2 weeks till the end of the year though ambz and I think her coming over last night just reinforced my reasons for breaking up with her soooo,,,,, someone should take cONkey up on her bet!


Active Member
or the older more sophisticated women.lol.. hey after a few drinks..ok.. a lot of drinks.. youll never be able to tell the difference.lol! lOL!
he looks like a happy camper.hahhaha

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
You siiick puppy (in my best ren and stimpy voice ; )

I tried to post a pic of someone that's a little more up my alley and your photo came,,,,darn computer must be broken hehe


Well-Known Member
You siiick puppy (in my best ren and stimpy voice ; )

I tried to post a pic of someone that's a little more up my alley and your photo came,,,,darn computer must be broken hehe
HC, i grew up on ren & stimpy my dad used to watch it all the time before he died. Conkey that second doll is fuckable, the first.. ehhhh. Lol have you seen the episode on nat geo about strange love. Men with dolls getting married, and people who like to dress up in mascot costumes n fuck. crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, what's up with all the fuk dolls in here? The first one looks like she is a hoover. YYYYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sup guys n gals. Just stoppin in to say high.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
HC, i grew up on ren & stimpy my dad used to watch it all the time before he died. Conkey that second doll is fuckable, the first.. ehhhh. Lol have you seen the episode on nat geo about strange love. Men with dolls getting married, and people who like to dress up in mascot costumes n fuck. crazy shit.
Ah that's cool man I used to watch it with my kids lol too like late 90s or so I think! If ya can't beat em join em

I had an ex that was a good imitation of a doll in bed.
Whatcha been doing dating my chick behind my back lol. Man I went from one extreme to the other with my ex wife and my ex girlfriend

Whoa, what's up with all the fuk dolls in here? The first one looks like she is a hoover. YYYYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sup guys n gals. Just stoppin in to say high.
Bobro what going on man! Sounds like your getting your green thumb ready, let us know what on deck sometime. Just about to light up a bowl of C4 puff puf pass>>>>>>>

And well you know cONkey, she's just trying to help me through a dry spell. You see how her mind works ;)

Didn't make it to The hobbit this afternoon, bad planning on dad's part I thought both kids were on vaca but my sons not. Shooting for thurs.