Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
I ripped some of the C4 x CB this morn and it was stellar! Was high for hours, too, left to take care of all my chores around town with my sunglasses glued into place lol. Good shit, can't wait to grow it again. :)


Well-Known Member
What's cracking in da bowl Highlander ! Some of you'r fine H.C line preview's ?
I'm just going to put my seed's to germ today. Going right in for the kill with the C4 x CB and the Lem. Qleaner sound's funky :)

Hope your good Pal.



Well-Known Member
looks like every1s enjoyin ur strains HC! =D keep up the great work! ur seeds do NOT disappoint! ;) gonna be throwin a few of ur other seeds in the flowering room real soon! doin that SOG grow. =) bumch of seeds 12-12 from seed basically. theres a few that are a few days- 1 week old as well. depending on the male-female ratio.. i may pull a few back into the veg box to keep them as mini-moms. =)


Well-Known Member
Sup Boss!
More cement, 4 more posts to go. I am done for the day, getting baked to ease the pain :eyesmoke:
Going to see Real Steel with my boys today. Went to a roller derby last night, that was pretty fun. lol been a pretty busy weekend so far. Got a new contract that's going to last a few years, been sweating bullets lately man. This weekend has been an enormous relief from several months stress.
Just thought I would share that, hahahhahbongsmilie
puff, puff, pass


Well-Known Member
Not cool. Edit your post.
BSB x CB is Black sour bubble x Caseyband.
Calizhar xCasyband
and c4 x cb is what it is. they are all nice check out my journal. HC i hope everything is alright in the cave the weather is nice and hope its all good to you.


Well-Known Member
Tryna needs to edit his, too, as it has the OG message. . . erase the quote, I guess.

Hey HC, hope ship's a sailin'. Mellow time over here, about to turn into crazy time... Baked like a school boy off some C4x yeeeeeeeeee haw.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bat Man ! So that's some of the H.C line in germination mode :)
Ive picked out the CaseyBand x Lem. Qleaner with the C4 and Calizhar cross's. When they pull through i'll keep you updated bro.These should be fun as their all quite new to me but in the same token, their all wicked strain's crossed with a wicked strain :)
Hope you'r good mate !



Well-Known Member
What's good cave dwella?? Just dropping in to say hey. This round of cheese is off the hook, I must say... but you know what is even better? :) I bet you do... Hope you're having a good one brosef.


Well-Known Member
Ya, how are you bud. Figure your laying low, hope things are mellowing out and your feeling better brother.

Take care man!


Well-Known Member
So ive germed a few BSB x C.B and the Calizhar x C.B, both popped in 24hrs in tissue a couple of each along with some Psyco Killer crosses. Going to pop in a couple of the C4's too with my Casey Jones bean's today and hopefully have a family by next week.

Hope you'r good Bro. Busy, Busy!!!!



Well-Known Member
Man, all these BSB pics are making my sad I didn't crack any of those my last run. Not that C4x sub par, mind you... Hey, speaking of which... bongsmilie

Hope you're hanging in there HC brother. Just dipping in to say "hiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhh" . . . . :peace:

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Man, all these BSB pics are making my sad I didn't crack any of those my last run. Not that C4x sub par, mind you... Hey, speaking of which... bongsmilie

Hope you're hanging in there HC brother. Just dipping in to say "hiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhh" . . . . :peace:
i got soem C4 x CBs flowin right now....after seeing yurs im pretty fired up about me lol...BSB are next!


Well-Known Member
Nice Diz! BSB will prolly be one of the ones I crack next, too. . . I must say, tho, that I've got some Qleaner x's and some Rom's that I've been eyeing, too.