New Member
maybe they are pulling a sony and shutting the site down till they figure out who hacked them??
thats what I see as well my friend
maybe they are pulling a sony and shutting the site down till they figure out who hacked them??
Nothing in him to namaste' to
Namaste' taint
It's a full STING op and databases are being confiscated!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!
Whatever mr know it will see mr smart.....
you aren't reading or don't comprehend well...highlife seeds sent me an email saying an AFFILIATE did this...
in case your ignorance permeates you fully you skould know that an affiliate is just
the perp hacked into Attitudes site when it crashed for their bd promo...
compared the ifo obtained to ips which accessed roll it up and compiled a list of Attitude customers who are also riu members...used the bogus affiliate info to spam us riu members attitude customers specifically to cause this paranoia even so far as to specifically name riu in it
Fuck it here is exactly what they sent:
As all this info is bogus on my end anyway i posted it just as it was Highland seeds did not send indivdual did using highlife as their scapegot...
and you believed it lol
So according to your hypothesis highlife bought the mailing list from attitude? Now that is so stupid I'll stop there
I made 70k my first year doing affiliate marketing in 2009, don't assume what I know.
If the site was crashed, then it was down and inaccessible. What MIGHT have happened was when the server went down, it came back up before their IDS came back up and left them open to an attack.
Again, nothing but ASSUMPTIONS.
BULLSHIT. How stupid are you that you would believe the word of highlifeseeds ? GUESS WHAT?? There is no affiliate program for highlife seeds!
If you were at all competent you would have clicked on the link in the e-mail and watched redirects to see that all it does is send you to which then sends you to
Why did they do that? In order to keep from getting hit with a spam record and keeping their domain clean.
It's obvious who the "no" nothing piece of shit is. It's spelled KNOW by the way.
and thanx for reiterating you ignorance as the spam came from a gmail addy not theirs...
According to your hypothesis the Attitude sold their data to highlife and highlife spammed only riu members...yeah that makes so much sense that I'll stop at that
And btw 70 k ain't shit...spent that on the bed for my first tour bus .... in the 80's
Now do everyone a favor an continue with only posting 77 times in two years...but please wait two more ...that is all
People like you are the reason for that.
Ya, pix or it didn't happen.Pics would be greatly appreciated.
My girl is not a RIU member and she also got the mail. I don't think RIU has anything to do with this.
My girl is not a RIU member and she also got the mail. I don't think RIU has anything to do with this.
will u send me $70,000 I could really use it, just a small loan that's all I'm asking.
Most likely the reason the RIU message was included was because we all use the 420 code to save 10% on our purchases, which is a RIU discount. RIU doesn't have any of my info...none of us would be here if an address was required to register.
Unlike the retarded monkey that is you, I wasn't bragging. I'm trying to explain through your thick skull that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and should shut the fuck up.
Apparently you don't get hints