Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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what the hell?
who died and made me innuendo-comic-relief-kitty?

(*pfft* she said "relief"....)
your a fumble....your a female and this is a forum...your the football...the guys are the players. now what you do is mention your folder of just half...not even fully nude pics and watch them flock in here.
No I don't ever delete the spam folder. I don't even check it. But I checked and searched and nothing nada. I changed my email address with attitude on my last order so maybe they got my old address that I don't have anymore.
so apparently aweber is the site that handles our newsletters ever since the big breach of sept. '10. they are supposed to be so secure. (you might remember the thread from admin here https://www.rollitup.org/support/368790-asked-re-confirm.html?highlight=aweber)
so i want to know why when i view the full header of the "rollitup" newsletter that went to the WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS (my attitude only address), it mentions rollitup@aweber as the originating address. they should NOT have that fucking email! rollitup is somehow mixed up in this, whether they like it or not.

FURTHERMORE in the support section there are threads upon threads about new members being unable to register, claiming that the name "rollitup" is not available (even though that's not the name they picked) and the screen shots people are posting are powered by (you guessed it) aweber. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
they keep getting generic dodo responses from the mods in that section.

funny you should mention that, i just unwittingly spent a couple days in ban-land because i changed my associated email and didn't reactivate. when i realised days later that that was something i had to do, i got the same error message. when i emailed admin about it, my account was back online within a couple of hours (not that anybody bothered to let me know that, either, thanks guys.)

does the address newsletter@rollitup.org even exist? that's where the one i got apparently originated from (but c'mon, give me a break, even *I* know how to do THAT and i'm practically a luddite)
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