Highly visable.


Well-Known Member
I own 5.2 acres and i have like no trees and no cover from my neighbors, and the closest cover is some trees that are off my property, so i really have no privacy when it comes to plants, i was thinking about trying find a way that my plants can get sun outside but aren't visible to my neighbors, any suggestions?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I havn't even thought of that, Have you done this personally? if so did the heat build up in the can?

thanks for the input.

One Love.:blsmoke:


Active Member
I had a similar problem. I have a chain link fence that runs across my back yard. NO PRIVACY!:evil: I built a lil fence and planted Sun flowers around the edges and then tomatoes (tall kind) in front of them arond the perimeteer. Inside of that, I got my lil babies.

I also got a permit to grow 25 plants though:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
A shed would be nice, I was thinking about like a little fenced in area, I'm still looking for better ideas if someone has a suggestion.:blsmoke:


Active Member
why don't you dig a hole, so that the plants are submerged in the ground so it just looks like flat ground when looking from a far. and you could even put some kind of camo over them. this will create the illusion that nothing is there. the only problem i could foresee is lack of sunlight, but i doubt that would be a problem because the sun is most strong during noon when the sun is directly above the plants. just use bags in the wholes so that you can control whats going on with the kids. just a suggestion though.
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Well-Known Member
ya like others said your best bet is hiding it amongst other plants and keep them seperated pretty well, they get big outside, you can also LST them to keep them shorter than your tomatos.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I havn't even thought of that, Have you done this personally? if so did the heat build up in the can?

thanks for the input.

One Love.:blsmoke:
No, I haven't done it personally but I have seen it done on other growing site, but it seems feasible and you can also force flowering so it doesn't get huge. It would get warm but I don't think it would overheat.


Well-Known Member
go find a random forrest with not many trees and find a flat spot that has full sun from the 10am-3pm time or just make a tall fence near outside ur house that doesnt block sun but keep those pesky porkers out of your privacy.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Maybe plant them around other plants to blend . and then do some LST to keep them low and bushy .. Or Build a root cellar and grow in there


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input, i think I'm more then likely going to not have them my property, Until i figure out something.

I think i'm going to make a 15x15 pen from pallets that they use to move stuff with fork lift. and make a garden around it, and plants in. thanks people.


New Member
man are you talking about big plants or little plants? cause i just put a couple plants that were in a 16 oz plastic cup down in to a couple cinder blocks .. only can see leaf but its usual for plants to grow out of it .. so thats just what i did idk if u have any cinders laying around that wouldnt be noticeable and i was only hiding them from my dad .. so yeah hopefully he doesnt travel over to the blocks .. :/