Hijack - Auto Seeds CFL/T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
I also noticed like three or four of my leafs have some twisted growth, I don't see it on any of the new shoots so I'll just leave it alone for now it might be from Boron deficiency, if that's the case some tiger bloom should solve this problem when I start her on that stuff in like a week or so.


Active Member
shes looking real nice for 3 weeks! i cant wait to see her bud! have you done any training? looks like shes gonna have a couple BIG colas!

as for me, I picked up some new lighting. power strip setup with (6) 26w 6500k, + (2) 26w 2700k + (1) 23w 2500k for a total of 231w of CFL. i also have a couple more 2700k's ill be adding later on during flowering. The Hijack is looking good and the Double Diesel Ryder is just starting to poke her head up.
heres a couple pics for ya!


Well-Known Member
shes looking real nice for 3 weeks! i cant wait to see her bud! have you done any training? looks like shes gonna have a couple BIG colas!
Nah I didn't try any training on her, I probably will try my hand at LST on my photo plant's, after I ran out of auto seed's lol got two more autos so that's another grow rite there and then I can start growing some bigger girls, Big Bitch's Need Love Too :weed:


Well-Known Member
Grape nice light set-up buddy, I think you should be fine for two plant's for now, your double diesel which breeder is it from? I grew Diesel ryder from joint dr. and that shit was the fire :fire: loved the nutes one main BIG ass cola and some smaller branches on the side, good yield too.. but it was a one fucking stinky girl.

HiJack looks good, so now we can compare how it grow's.


Well-Known Member
Grape before I put the seeds straight into the soil I did pre soaked the soil with water until I see run off and next watering is like week or week and a half later when I feel the pot is very light, and form then on when the seedling is small I use the finger method (sticking my finger into the pot about 2-3" down) and if it feels dry then I water with about 500ml-750ml of water, when she's get bigger I always water until I see run off from my pot and then I go by the weight of the pot. As for feeding I'm doing water, feeding, water, feeding, water, feeding etc. I feed every other watering unless she likes it I'll do feeding every watering. But for now I do water, feed, water, feed.


Well-Known Member
i just water, no fancy tricks...just water(and nutes of course) not sure why peole make watering a plant into some kind of rocket science (no offense dude) when it needs water water it if it dosent dont (unless you want to feed) i have never seen a overwatered plant that is in a container with good drainage. baisically "overwatering" should be called "drowning in a pot with no drainage" because once a plant reaches a certain stage (about 3 weeks old) its pretty impossible to "overwater" it providing your soil and container have reasonable drainage.


Active Member
yeah, i was mostly referring to the feeding. strain specific feeding like/dislikes. since watering and feeding are in the same boat, i decided to generalize the question. I have replicated airpots (plastic pot with small holes drilled all around the sides) so my watering will probably need to be a bit more on the more frequent side of the spectrum.


Well-Known Member
its harrd to replicate airpots by simply drilling holes in the pot, heres a video to explain why i say this.


the actual airpot cone design forces rots to grow towards the hoole and eventually air prune, by simply drilling holes in the side its kinda a hit and miss scenario.


Active Member
yeah, i do understand that.
what i did was heat the area where the holes would go, and pushed them in before drilling holes, to try and replicate the cone design. either way it provides a bit more oxygen to the FFOF/COCO mixture. If i need to water more often, so be it. more time i get to spend with my ladies :D

i have seen people simply drill holes and at harvest show the root system, all thick healthy non root bound like the roots they show in the videos for airpots.

i am faily confident that even if my idea of replicating the airpots, doesnt help my grow, it shouldnt be hurting it either. no harm done right?
Either way i appreciate the food for thought!


Well-Known Member
I just Love when Matt is explaining something! because of him and three other guys on here I got 3.6 oz on my first grow, in my opinion he knows his shit!
And he's a good guy/person always willing to land a helping hand.


Active Member
was deff, not nocking the guy at all. i read through his journal, seems knowledgeable for sure! ive been on/around/reading on the shroomery.org for about 5-6 years now. it gets easy to spot people who are just talking out of their ass. glad to know there are so many knowledgeable people on this forum! Ive already learned so much (been reading for a couple months before i decided to make an account here)

side note, if anyone ever needs any help with fungi, shoot me a pm i can most likely point you to the right info!

cheers! looking forward to any updats acidjesus! my babys are taking off quite nicely, thinking about moving some lights around a bit though to counter the plants from growing inwards toward the power strip, give them a more even footprint.


Well-Known Member
So here a some pictures of HiJack on day 25 since she sprouted, 12" tall she's nice and bushy, so far she's doing fine IMAG0184.jpgIMAG0185.jpgIMAG0186.jpgIMAG0187.jpg and here are two pictures of the AKR on day 6 so far so good :weed: IMAG0188.jpgIMAG0189.jpg


Well-Known Member
side note, if anyone ever needs any help with fungi, shoot me a pm i can most likely point you to the right info!

cheers! looking forward to any updats acidjesus! my babys are taking off quite nicely, thinking about moving some lights around a bit though to counter the plants from growing inwards toward the power strip, give them a more even footprint.
Grape I always wanted to try my hand at growing shrooms, now I know who to turn to when I will need some info ;)

And if you want you can post your pictures of your girls here in this thread, you are more then welcome, unless your going to start your own thread.
If not you can upload your pictures here and we can compare etc. the progress on the girls.


Well-Known Member
Matt and I'm so freaking sorry to hear about your plant's being jacked, for fook sake who would do such a thing...yeah but it's fucked up, did you at least find out it was?
I would be pisssssssssed!! But like you said they didn't take your biggest yielding plant. Once again sorry brotha.