Hilary vs Donald ?


Well-Known Member

like i said, you are months late to the party. it failed as a talking point because she has so many damn accomplishments.
I read tje first page of that thread so far all i see is you telling people that she got kids insurance (im gunna research that) and how she knows how to play politics.

She DID get fired from the watergate investigation.

She DID send classified information on a private server

She hasn't really done shit, except maybe get kids insurance. If thats true i give her credit where credit is due.

Graduating Yale is cool and all but it doesn't mean your presidential material.
Neither does "knowing how to play politics" and that in my opinion is a negative. Playing politics is really just professional bandwagon jumping. She recently had a change of heart on gay marriage..... I wonder why?

Michelle Obama was an educated woman too... Ever read her thesis? Lmao

A degree does not equal intelligence or ability.


Well-Known Member
I read tje first page of that thread so far all i see is you telling people that she got kids insurance (im gunna research that) and how she knows how to play politics.

She DID get fired from the watergate investigation.

She DID send classified information on a private server

She hasn't really done shit, except maybe get kids insurance. If thats true i give her credit where credit is due.

Graduating Yale is cool and all but it doesn't mean your presidential material.
Neither does "knowing how to play politics" and that in my opinion is a negative. Playing politics is really just professional bandwagon jumping. She recently had a change of heart on gay marriage..... I wonder why?

Michelle Obama was an educated woman too... Ever read her thesis? Lmao

A degree does not equal intelligence or ability.
you're just proving how dumb you are. taking the fun out of it for me.


Well-Known Member
you're just proving how dumb you are. taking the fun out of it for me.
What did i say that was wrong?

I haven't had time to read the rest of that thread but from what i can see so far its just you trying to defend her while people tell you she is a fucking quack. When you have nothing to say aside from "your dumb" as if its an actual talking point.