Hillary can't be trusted

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And then there is this quote from Chris Christie, one of Benedict Donald's surrogates and director of in charge of planning for Trump's transition into the President's office.

If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service became law within months after Hitler came into office as Chancellor. It removed Jews and anybody who was not seen as loyal to Hitler from positions in the German government. It gave Hitler complete control of the government.

So, Trump's advisor and director of the transition team says Trump will direct his teame to clean out disloyal government workers. A very similar action taken by Hitler. Trump is working from Hitler's own play book. Of course, federal workers have protections under the law and so we can expect Trump to begin to dismantle worker's rights in this country as a part of his actions to cleanse the government of workers who may be disloyal to him.

sounds very intrusive to me.
Every president has the power to replace generals and officials in the DOJ. They can appoint or replace.
Did you not read the quote? Christie also talked about making it easier to fire federal workers, not just appointed officials. This was in the context of cleaning out "disloyal" workers. Of course, you just wave your hands and disregard it. But I agree with @UncleBuck that dismantling worker's rights and clearing the government of workers solely based upon their loyalty to the authoritarian leader is an intrusive action.

Getting back to your earlier statement:

Hitler is more comparable to Hillary. Hillary wants expanded government control and intrusion.

What exactly are you talking about when you say Hillary wants more government control and intrusion? I've rebutted your statement to show how very intrusive Benedict Donald is planning to be. Please give examples of what you think make Hillary worse than Trump in this regard.
I wish someone would start the 'Hillary CAN be thrusted' thread.....maybe show some shots of her from the 60s/70s, Bill going down on her, maybe a black dude screwing her (she was always the activist in college, big proponent of Civil Rights)....lesbian stuff...
I wish someone would start the 'Hillary CAN be thrusted' thread.....maybe show some shots of her from the 60s/70s, Bill going down on her, maybe a black dude screwing her (she was always the activist in college, big proponent of Civil Rights)....lesbian stuff...
I think that @UncleBuck started one a while ago. It drew the appropriate jeers from RIU wing nuts but didn't get the same attention as this one. It's buried several pages back due to inattention.

The reality is that the media rarely publishes postive things to say about anybody. Also, most of the good actions Hillary is associated with that might engender trust are complicated, like her actions to expand access to healthcare for low income children. Wing nuts usually can only read or post incomplete sentences so they can't understand stuff like that.
Do you have a point to make or is this just some sort of juvenile insult?

As I said earlier to @Flaming Pie , I just don't understand why, given everything else that is going to hell in this country, we should commit such large resources to an effort that will hurt our economy. Explain to me please why deporting productive peaceful contributing members of society is a good thing?
Fogfraud, you are becoming a one trick pony. My point and insult were obvious. You play dumb like a natural.
Fogfraud, you are becoming a one trick pony. My point and insult were obvious. You play dumb like a natural.
Actually, Dave, you don't have anything. If I sound repetitive it's because shitheads like you continue to claim Trump is some sort of kind and gentle tyrant. So, all I can do is say no, he's proposing some really intrusive government police state actions. Trump is very much like Hitler and he's proposing measures that will triple the size of the police with the charter to tear apart families and communities. Tell me how I can be more entertaining, when I speak that truth.

By the way, remember those Republican officials at Flint Michigan that you were science denying for in order to say that nothing was wrong? Charges have been filed and the dominoes are starting to fall. Yes, I am repeating myself. Facts don't change and I can't alter that just to avoid repeating these facts or the fact that you were a dumbshit back then and a dumbshit now. Ooops, repeated myself.

Just like the fact that Trump's plans for this country are very much like the one's Hitler had for Germany. Ooops repeated myself again.
Hillary`s doctor released her health record, Hillary is in excellent physical condition and fit to be the President of the United States.

Any takers ?
Actually, Dave, you don't have anything. If I sound repetitive it's because shitheads like you continue to claim Trump is some sort of kind and gentle tyrant. So, all I can do is say no, he's proposing some really intrusive government police state actions. Trump is very much like Hitler and he's proposing measures that will triple the size of the police with the charter to tear apart families and communities. Tell me how I can be more entertaining, when I speak that truth.

By the way, remember those Republican officials at Flint Michigan that you were science denying for in order to say that nothing was wrong? Charges have been filed and the dominoes are starting to fall. Yes, I am repeating myself. Facts don't change and I can't alter that just to avoid repeating these facts or the fact that you were a dumbshit back then and a dumbshit now. Ooops, repeated myself.

Just like the fact that Trump's plans for this country are very much like the one's Hitler had for Germany. Ooops repeated myself again.
You invent scenerios and then refer to them as fact and truth. You're the the perfect Hillary follower. Over and above that, your analogies are stupid and weak but Considering the source... not surprised.
Actually, Dave, you don't have anything. If I sound repetitive it's because shitheads like you continue to claim Trump is some sort of kind and gentle tyrant. So, all I can do is say no, he's proposing some really intrusive government police state actions. Trump is very much like Hitler and he's proposing measures that will triple the size of the police with the charter to tear apart families and communities. Tell me how I can be more entertaining, when I speak that truth.

By the way, remember those Republican officials at Flint Michigan that you were science denying for in order to say that nothing was wrong? Charges have been filed and the dominoes are starting to fall. Yes, I am repeating myself. Facts don't change and I can't alter that just to avoid repeating these facts or the fact that you were a dumbshit back then and a dumbshit now. Ooops, repeated myself.

Just like the fact that Trump's plans for this country are very much like the one's Hitler had for Germany. Ooops repeated myself again.
Oh and you are right, facts do not change. Please link to my science denying in the Flint thread. Matter of fact link to anything I have not been vindicated on. I was only there telling the usual dickheads that they were getting ahead of the facts and to put their fire and pitchforks down until things were sorted out. So the Governor has been charged? No...he has not. Sorry, I embarrassed you so badly there that you are compelled to rewrite history...also not surprised.
Actually, Dave, you don't have anything. If I sound repetitive it's because shitheads like you continue to claim Trump is some sort of kind and gentle tyrant. So, all I can do is say no, he's proposing some really intrusive government police state actions. Trump is very much like Hitler and he's proposing measures that will triple the size of the police with the charter to tear apart families and communities. Tell me how I can be more entertaining, when I speak that truth.

By the way, remember those Republican officials at Flint Michigan that you were science denying for in order to say that nothing was wrong? Charges have been filed and the dominoes are starting to fall. Yes, I am repeating myself. Facts don't change and I can't alter that just to avoid repeating these facts or the fact that you were a dumbshit back then and a dumbshit now. Ooops, repeated myself.

Just like the fact that Trump's plans for this country are very much like the one's Hitler had for Germany. Ooops repeated myself again.
Trump said the flint water crisis was a failure at every level of government. Which is true. Repubs and dems failed the people of flint.
Trump also pointed out how ironic it was that it used to be that they built cars in Flint and you didn't want to drink the water in Mexico while now they are building cars in Mexico and you shouldn't drink the water in Flint. Sad but true.
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