Hillary can't be trusted

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Donald Trump is gaining ground on Hillary Clinton in the swing state of Virginia, according to a new poll.

Clinton leads Trump by 3 points among likely voters in the state, within the margin of error for the survey by the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies.

The tightening race in Virginia, where Clinton led by double digits earlier this summer, comes amid a slew of presidential battleground polls that show growing support for Trump. Polls this week have found the Republican leading in Ohio and Nevada, and closing the gap in other crucial states.

The Virginia poll, released Thursday, found that 40 percent of Virginia's likely voters support Clinton, compared with 37 percent who back Trump.
Why don't you tell me? You claim to know so much.

What year was he discharged? What branch, mos, and base did my husband work in?
What I'm I claiming to know ? Only what you tell us.
You stated you and your family had to go on welfare because your husband got told on in the military ? I only want to know was he running around raping and selling drugs,
Hell I didn't even know what branch until you used MOS. Why are you now ashamed of your husband ?
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Nobody in this administration or within the establishment can be trusted,including Hillary Clinton.

New wikileaks hacked emails show even president Obama couldn't resist getting in on the pay for play selling of offices.

Nobody in this administration or within the establishment can be trusted,including Hillary Clinton.

New wikileaks hacked emails show even president Obama couldn't resist getting in on the pay for play selling of offices.

Youre busy crawling up asses while trumps corrupt practices are on the front page. This defines you as willfully ignorant, witless asshole, flaccid lout etc.
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What I'm I claiming to know ? Only what you tell us.
You stated you and your family had to go on welfare because your husband got told on in the military ? I only want to know was he running around raping and selling drugs,
Hell I didn't even know what branch until you used MOS. Why are you now ashamed of your husband ?
Who said I was ashamed? Oh sure I was ashamed back then. I reamed him a new asshole for being a dumbass. No, it was not rape or any violence.

You asked why he didn't fight ISIS even though you don't know when he served or if he fought ISIS.

You demand information but why would I give that to you if you are only going to use it against me.

Much like Trump's tax returns. You all want to hate on him for paying low taxes. If the law allows his tax rate, then so be it. That would not be enough for MSM. They would paint him in a horrible light all because he used every deduction and rebate he qualified for.
Youre busy crawling up asses while trumps corrupt practices are on the front page. This defines you as willfully ignorant, witless asshole, flaccid lout etc.

Away with thee you scullion,You rampallion,You fustilarian,You Muck spouting Mumblecrust,thoust dim witted Tom Foolery begiles me:lol:

let's see how the KK Klintons robbed Haiti blind by skimming 25% off the top of every $ donated to Hatian earthquake victims,those darn ka ka Klinton emails are the gift that keeps giving,but you won't see this on ( your TV news )

Haitians hating kill em all Clinton for ripping off $billions from them,exposing sec of state Clinton stealing their mineral rights & giving the rights to her family
You have been gravely mislead. The FBI is correct, Hillary did not break laws. (maybe one under oath to congress) maybe.

She did however break all the rules of Sec/State willingly and often, knowing it is not a crime.

You are right about not trusting her.
The FBI head said there was evidence she did break the law, but no "sane" prosecuter would prosecute her. Then went on to say others doing the same thing would be prosecuted. ??????
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