Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
now I've spent time amongst you, although I feel the need to shower now, I see why you support HC

You fantasise

Just scroll up and see

Fantasist trolls, I'm sure she loves that you support her so publicly.


Well-Known Member
Trump hasn't failed yet.
He failed to pay off all those pussy grabbed woman. He failed to turn his mic off. He failed to perform adequately in either general election debate. He failed to garner the support of his party. He failed to develop as a human being, he failed his wife.He's an epic failure Youre a fucking lout to assert that "Trump hasn't failed yet."

With the election only weeks away, Hillary Clinton appears to have the lead and the momentum. As of this writing, the FiveThirtyEight polls-only forecast gives her around an 87 percent chance of winning — up from around 55 percent in late September – and that may not have fully absorbed the fallout of Trump’s lewd video, debatable debate performance or the daily deluge of fresh scandal jeopardizing his candidacy.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
You listed a series of one line claims with nothing other than your useless word to back it up. Nope, not going to go to the effort of digging up information you already know exists that says you are factually incorrect.

Monica Lewinsky was a consensual affair. Sorry man, nothing there for you to complain about. Other than you didn't get any.

Do you grab them by the pussy when you have economic power over women too?
yup its all Monica's fault,somehow you KNOW that but have to "look up" the rest,seriously fog how old are you to have not watched the Clinton impeachment hearings & have watched Clinton allocute to his crimes on live TV where you need to "look it up" ?


Well-Known Member
I must thank you all for helping me stay awake during a dull night shift
even if some of you ruin any hope I have for humanity

you're dead funny you
aww bless, now you must be a special kind of stupid

I best just agree with you
now I've spent time amongst you, although I feel the need to shower now, I see why you support HC

You fantasise

Just scroll up and see

Fantasist trolls, I'm sure she loves that you support her so publicly.
if I was HC I'd be begging you to support trump
I know, you got me there you smartie
  1. a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
    synonyms: yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel,doormat, stooge, cringer, suck, suck-up
    "I thought you wanted a competent assistant, not a nodding sycophant"

  1. 1.
    arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.
    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her"
    synonyms: pitiful, pitiable, piteous, moving, touching, poignant, plaintive, distressing, upsetting,heartbreaking, heart-rending, harrowing, wretched, forlorn
    "a pathetic groan"

  2. 2.
    relating to the emotions.


Well-Known Member
yup its all Monica's fault,somehow you KNOW that but have to "look up" the rest,seriously fog how old are you to have not watched the Clinton impeachment hearings & have watched Clinton allocute to his crimes on live TV where you need to "look it up" ?
You are the one making the claims. OK, so I won't ask for reputable sources if that's what is stopping you. Go ahead, post the sources for the shit you posted about Bill Clinton's rape history. I promise I won't laugh so hard that I hurt myself.


Well-Known Member
I've just earned an obscene amount of money tonight.

I would have liked a debate but had to settle for a slagging match.

Outnumbered...but you were too easy

Try harder next time pls


Well-Known Member
You are the one making the claims. OK, so I won't ask for reputable sources if that's what is stopping you. Go ahead, post the sources for the shit you posted about Bill Clinton's rape history. I promise I won't laugh so hard that I hurt myself.
None of these fuckers have a shred of credibility.



Well-Known Member
You are the one making the claims. OK, so I won't ask for reputable sources if that's what is stopping you. Go ahead, post the sources for the shit you posted about Bill Clinton's rape history. I promise I won't laugh so hard that I hurt myself.

Ahhh...now I thought (earlier) you were referring to 'conspiracies' when I said I'd play.

I don't know enough about BC and his dirty deeds (except Lewinsky of course) and unlike others, if I don't know much about something, I don't say much about it

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
how's your whore wife doing tonight?
She's in the hospital undergoing infusions to stop the legions on her brain from continuing to spread like wildfire,she's taking the 1st infusion of the same meds I listed Hillary's state Dept was inquiring about for Hillary ,she has an 8% chance of getting a brain infection from the infusion killing the legions on her brain,then becoming infected & killing her within 72 hours .

Feel better now ? last night I could have taken video of her writhing in agony that you could laugh at,you should have accepted my offer because I would a posted it for you & waited for the horrible comments to flow,I'm sure you'll be happy is Tue infiusions kill her .
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