Well-Known Member
At least he could have had his facts straight before going off.waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
At least he could have had his facts straight before going off.waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Even though I faught against her in the primary, I voted for her in the general. I still think she's unelectable, but I admire her and recognize her great service. My only complaint with her is that she should have recognized the tide was against her, and never ran. I can't blame her entirely - it is really the party's fault. The country is paying a huge price for her and the DNC not recognizing this. Bernie's politics match mine in many areas, but I was not a huge supporter. I'm not sure he could have won either. He's too old, and doesn't have much charisma. He's certainly different than Clinton's fake forced leadership style, but he's not much of a leader either. Trump was one of the weakest candidates I've ever seen - Bernie might have beat him, but I doubt it. The right would have portrayed him as a raging homosexual communist with their propaganda machine. If the dems want to win, they need to start prioritizing charisma, and leadership, someone who is intelligent and liberal. They can be any race, or sex, but they can't come across as being weak. Strong, charismatic, intelligent & liberal. It's not really that difficult.I voted for Sanders in the primary. I wasn't excited about Hillary as prez. At the general election there was no question in my mind who I would rather have. I do yearn for anybody but Trump.
I will point out that the right has been making shit up about her for years. When I looked into what was said, very little was true. About the only valid and proven complaint that I agree with is Clinton's vote in support of the Iraq war. Maybe her backing of her husband's crime bill. Holding years of lies against her as a reason not to have her run, to me seems wrong.
This a scandal for sure but unless there is a claim that it swung the election to Clinton then it's just back office bs and of small importance. I expect there will be a discussion and review followed by rules changes to prevent this. What I see is a lot of butt hurt remaining in the Sanders crowd and they are just piling on. I can't see how their outcry is accomplishing anything other than to make people like me take a second and hard look at anybody they want in office. Including Sanders.
I know you say you called it right but really it was too close to call. She won the popular vote and the general election turned on a few states in the EC.Even though I faught against her in the primary, I voted for her in the general. I still think she's unelectable, but I admire her and recognize her great service. My only complaint with her is that she should have recognized the tide was against her, and never ran. I can't blame her entirely - it is really the party's fault. The country is paying a huge price for her and the DNC not recognizing this. Bernie's politics match mine in many areas, but I was not a huge supporter. I'm not sure he could have won either. He's too old, and doesn't have much charisma. He's certainly different than Clinton's fake forced leadership style, but he's not much of a leader either. Trump was one of the weakest candidates I've ever seen - Bernie might have beat him, but I doubt it. The right would have portrayed him as a raging homosexual communist with their propaganda machine. If the dems want to win, they need to start prioritizing charisma, and leadership, someone who is intelligent and liberal. They can be any race, or sex, but they can't come across as being weak. Strong, charismatic, intelligent & liberal. It's not really that difficult.
Of course you would. I would too if I rigged it and still lost to TrumpInstead of rehashing the past election, I'd rather talk about the upcoming ones.
I rigged it? LOL you are grandiose if you think you are talking to the puppet master.Of course you would. I would too if I rigged it and still lost to Trump
Is this an old jewish recipe?Rigatoni With White Bolognese
- Add enough oil to a large, deep sauté pan to coat the base and place over medium-high heat. When the oil shimmers, add the onion, carrots and celery and sauté until glassy and just tender, about 5 minutes. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Add the sausage and beef to the pan, breaking it into walnut-size pieces, and brown well.
- Pour in the wine and keep at a rapid simmer until the pan is almost dry. Then pour in 1 1/2 cups beef bouillon and lower the heat to medium. Simmer gently, uncovered, until the bouillon is nearly gone, stirring now and then. Meanwhile, chop the rehydrated porcini into small pieces, reserving the liquid.
- Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add mushroom liquid to the sauce to cover the meat halfway (about 1 cup) along with the porcini and continue simmering until the sauce is loose but not soupy, about 10 minutes. Taste and adjust salt and pepper; it should be highly seasoned. When the consistency is right, fold the cream in. Remove from the heat and cover.
- When the pasta water is at a full boil, add the rigatoni and cook until still firm, but not hard, in the center. When the pasta is almost done, scoop out 1 cup of pasta water and reserve. Drain the pasta and then return it to the pot. Pour the pasta sauce on top and fold in with a wooden spoon. The pasta should not be dry. Add a little pasta water or mushroom liquid to loosen it. (It will continue to soak up sauce on the way to the table.) Serve in one large bowl or in individual bowls, passing the cheese at the table.
We're not playing hand grenades or horse shoes here. Getting close is just as bad as losing by a land slide. We have to learn from our mistakes, and it was a mistake to run her. It was a mistake to run Kerry, and it was a mistake to run Gore. The DNC collusion was a mistake, too, and was part of the reason she was coronated (IMHO of course). I hear people talking about her running again. She won't win. It's not fair, but few things in politics are.I know you say you called it right but really it was too close to call. She won the popular vote and the general election turned on a few states in the EC.
Instead of rehashing the past election, I'd rather talk about the upcoming ones. Also about Trump. It's been a good week for Republicans and I don't ever want to say that again.
UB, et all: Still think Comet Ping Pong was Fake News?
Yes... fake newsUB, et all: Still think Comet Ping Pong was Fake News?
You've said nothing I disagree with and a lot that I can get behind. It's still too early for me to get excited about any candidate right now. There are a number of new faces in the Sanders movement that I want to see on the stage and I like Warren and Franklin too. The senior senator from my state, Oregon, has about the same name recognition one would expect from a small state but he's a good one too. I'm hopeful that we have a contest of ideas with the best emerging rather than the machine politics that I think was behind all the people you named. Looking back, I've never had my first choice on the ballot in November.We're not playing hand grenades or horse shoes here. Getting close is just as bad as losing by a land slide. We have to learn from our mistakes, and it was a mistake to run her. It was a mistake to run Kerry, and it was a mistake to run Gore. The DNC collusion was a mistake, too, and was part of the reason she was coronated (IMHO of course). I hear people talking about her running again. She won't win. It's not fair, but few things in politics are.
I'll go out on a limb here. I think either Al Frankin, or Elizabeth Warren are good candidates. They're both getting old, but both are great fighters, and have the chops to respond to the guaranteed GOP abuse machine. Frankin's got name recognition, and Warren has the spark missing from most candidates. The Dems don't really have anyone else I see, but an outsider could come, a celebrity with name recognition maybe. Sanders will be pushing 80 by 2020, so I don't think he'd win.
I have a feeling the 2020 election is going to be an uphill battle, though. Unless the economy takes a dive (which it probably won't till 2022-2023), or the Trump administration messes up health care (likely), medicare or SS, people will just ignore all the less obvious foolishness. Trump will mess up health care, but the effects will take a few years to start increasing insurance rates to the double digits. 2018 will give us a hint. On the bright side, even though the Democratic party is a mess at the moment, the GOP is a complete disaster. All of the old school Republicans are dying off unfortunately, and the alt-right couldn't govern themselves out of a paper bag. God help the USA if the Dems can't beat them.
It's my bet that all the old fake news from the election will return now. Hopefully this is one last orgasm of hate on Clinton and we can move on. Well that's my hope, clearly not that of some.Oh for the love of baby Jesus. You can’t seriously be trying to pass that off as anything approaching factual...?
Oh for the love of baby Jesus. You can’t seriously be trying to pass that off as anything approaching factual...?
You don't recognize all the hollywood stars in sick satanic party mode?
There are non so blind as those who refuse to see
Reminds me of the famous line "Are you going to believe me, or your lieing eyes?"
One wordYou don't recognize all the hollywood stars in sick satanic party mode?
There are non so blind as those who refuse to see
Reminds me of the famous line "Are you going to believe me, or your lieing eyes?"
I've no doubt you know it's true, but your job is to deflect deflect deflectgo get a high powered rifle and head down to comet pizza. expose the truth for us.
ROFLMFAO! Thanks for the belly laugh this morning!!
You saying that Fogdog is stupid is absolutely hilarious. He has at least 30 IQ points on you, Young Man!
I've no doubt you know it's true, but your job is to deflect deflect deflect