You say that as if people who aren't rich aren't paying any taxes.
The rich are the ones that can pay off lawyers and accountants to find them loop holes and tax shelters. If anything the rich pay a lower percentage of taxes because of this.
And they do get a better return on their tax dollars. If someone from a "poor" neighbor hood called the cops at the same time as someone from a "rich" neighborhood (in a small town where the same cops patrol everything) and the crime in both locations was the exact same, the cops would race with guns drawn to the rich neighborhood, and then later casually drive to the poor neighborhood to pick up the pieces.
So you admit, looking the other way paves the road for you to be reamed next.
No, not really, a more cogent point would be that the poor have consistently gone out of their way to show their petty jealousy and hatred of the middle class, affluent and wealthy, and given into the idiocy and divisiveness of class warfare ignoring the fact that what is bad for the middle class, affluent and wealthy is going to be bad for them, too.
And no. Resistance, I disagree, the poor by far get more government services than the rich. The poor get welfare, rental assistance, health insurance, and all the benefits that everyone else above them gets.
The only people that aren't pulling even one tenth of one tenth of one percent of their weight are the non-working poor, and those that get more in tax refunds than they pay in taxes.
Even if they were paying a net amount of $100/year in Federal and State taxes (while still getting the benefits) it'd be better than what they get away with now.
Besides, as part of the middle class I hardly think that it's fair for me to be stuck hauling the weight of the poor with how much I pay in taxes.
The tax cuts that Obama "passed" were a slap in my face and failed to change the fact that I'm hauling more than my fair share which based on a $1 Trillion coming from income taxes would be a mere $3,333. I paid more than 2x that in income taxes, and 4x more than that if you include payroll taxes.
That's my personal taxes, I'm just a person on salary.
I don't see government providing me with any services.
Cops - Yeah, let me introduce you to Colonel Colt.
Then there's the fact that these same cops are the assholes that pull me over for speeding. That's not service, that's disservice.
Firemen - Okay, I supposed technically this might be a service, but I have yet to need their help.
Roads - Dirt Roads wouldn't bother me any.
Maybe the military, but for some damn reason the military is in Iraq instead of on our southern border, so that's a service that the government isn't providing me with either.
What government services?