Hillary - Human rights can't interfere with crises


Well-Known Member
So let's say they take all these poor chinese people and chop them up and turn them into canned goods and then ship them over here for sale. Is it our fucking business then? Are you forgetting pretty much everything here in the stores is made there? What if they used dehydrated chinaman in the pill factories?

Everything is everyones business. Long beyond the length of your own arm and see the bigger picture. It starts there and never ends.

When the Nazis came for the Communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a Communist.

When they locked up the Social Democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a Social Democrat.

When they came for the Trade Unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Trade Unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Entirely different case, we're not in China, Miss.

China has its own government, and they aren't exactly going to start throwing them in ovens by the hundreds of thousands.


New Member
but when we ignore it, it does pave the way for even further stripping of our rights.

It starts there, but where does it end? Like I said, first people in China have no rights, then it comes over here, people here that are unemployed have no rights, then it moves up the food chain and the next thing you know, it's you whos rights they are stripping away next.


Well-Known Member
but when we ignore it, it does pave the way for even further stripping of our rights.

It starts there, but where does it end? Like I said, first people in China have no rights, then it comes over here, people here that are unemployed have no rights, then it moves up the food chain and the next thing you know, it's you whos rights they are stripping away next.
Thats an awfully big leap your taking Miss.
All Clinton is saying is "Human Rights" is not the be all end all of international issues, although its nice to try to encourage other nations to improve their "human rights" it should'nt neccasarily be a road block to getting "things" done internationally. Many of are allies don't agree with capital punishment but in the U.S it is an accepted punishment for murders. You don't see the Europeans constantly hounding us about are "Human rights" record.


Well-Known Member
but when we ignore it, it does pave the way for even further stripping of our rights.

It starts there, but where does it end? Like I said, first people in China have no rights, then it comes over here, people here that are unemployed have no rights, then it moves up the food chain and the next thing you know, it's you whos rights they are stripping away next.
How does not doing anything about what's going on in China effect us in any shape, way or form?

Your arguments are illogical, Miss.

There is no connection between the Chinese government and us.

As far as rights.

What rights, the rights to be kept like a slave while the government takes more than 50% of what I produce in taxes.

I've already been strip of all the useful rights like Economic Freedom, and the right to have true representation when being taxed. The government would be doing me a service by killing me, and doing itself a disservice, because it'd lose tax revenue.


New Member
See what I mean? It's already started, and it's been rolling along for a while now. You've lost the right to 100% of what you earn because someone in our past has decided to look the other way because it didn't effect "them".

The next thing you know, they'll want 75% of what you make, and still people with tax shelters will look the other way, because you're the little guy and it doesn't affect them.

We're all human, we all deserve some basic rights.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean? It's already started, and it's been rolling along for a while now. You've lost the right to 100% of what you earn because someone in our past has decided to look the other way because it didn't effect "them".

The next thing you know, they'll want 75% of what you make, and still people with tax shelters will look the other way, because you're the little guy and it doesn't affect them.

We're all human, we all deserve some basic rights.
What do you mean. The people that were doing it in the past were the one's just like you that didn't see anything wrong with soaking the rich. They didn't think that if they allowed it to happen to the rich, they'd be next up to bat.


New Member
You say that as if people who aren't rich aren't paying any taxes.

The rich are the ones that can pay off lawyers and accountants to find them loop holes and tax shelters. If anything the rich pay a lower percentage of taxes because of this.

And they do get a better return on their tax dollars. If someone from a "poor" neighbor hood called the cops at the same time as someone from a "rich" neighborhood (in a small town where the same cops patrol everything) and the crime in both locations was the exact same, the cops would race with guns drawn to the rich neighborhood, and then later casually drive to the poor neighborhood to pick up the pieces.

So you admit, looking the other way paves the road for you to be reamed next.

What do you mean. The people that were doing it in the past were the one's just like you that didn't see anything wrong with soaking the rich. They didn't think that if they allowed it to happen to the rich, they'd be next up to bat.


Well-Known Member
You say that as if people who aren't rich aren't paying any taxes.

The rich are the ones that can pay off lawyers and accountants to find them loop holes and tax shelters. If anything the rich pay a lower percentage of taxes because of this.

And they do get a better return on their tax dollars. If someone from a "poor" neighbor hood called the cops at the same time as someone from a "rich" neighborhood (in a small town where the same cops patrol everything) and the crime in both locations was the exact same, the cops would race with guns drawn to the rich neighborhood, and then later casually drive to the poor neighborhood to pick up the pieces.

So you admit, looking the other way paves the road for you to be reamed next.
No, not really, a more cogent point would be that the poor have consistently gone out of their way to show their petty jealousy and hatred of the middle class, affluent and wealthy, and given into the idiocy and divisiveness of class warfare ignoring the fact that what is bad for the middle class, affluent and wealthy is going to be bad for them, too.

And no. Resistance, I disagree, the poor by far get more government services than the rich. The poor get welfare, rental assistance, health insurance, and all the benefits that everyone else above them gets.

The only people that aren't pulling even one tenth of one tenth of one percent of their weight are the non-working poor, and those that get more in tax refunds than they pay in taxes.

Even if they were paying a net amount of $100/year in Federal and State taxes (while still getting the benefits) it'd be better than what they get away with now.

Besides, as part of the middle class I hardly think that it's fair for me to be stuck hauling the weight of the poor with how much I pay in taxes.

The tax cuts that Obama "passed" were a slap in my face and failed to change the fact that I'm hauling more than my fair share which based on a $1 Trillion coming from income taxes would be a mere $3,333. I paid more than 2x that in income taxes, and 4x more than that if you include payroll taxes.

That's my personal taxes, I'm just a person on salary.

I don't see government providing me with any services.

Cops - Yeah, let me introduce you to Colonel Colt.

Then there's the fact that these same cops are the assholes that pull me over for speeding. That's not service, that's disservice.

Firemen - Okay, I supposed technically this might be a service, but I have yet to need their help.

Roads - Dirt Roads wouldn't bother me any.

Maybe the military, but for some damn reason the military is in Iraq instead of on our southern border, so that's a service that the government isn't providing me with either.

What government services?


Well-Known Member
No, not really, a more cogent point would be that the poor have consistently gone out of their way to show their petty jealousy and hatred of the middle class, affluent and wealthy, and given into the idiocy and divisiveness of class warfare ignoring the fact that what is bad for the middle class, affluent and wealthy is going to be bad for them, too.

And no. Resistance, I disagree, the poor by far get more government services than the rich. The poor get welfare, rental assistance, health insurance, and all the benefits that everyone else above them gets.

The only people that aren't pulling even one tenth of one tenth of one percent of their weight are the non-working poor, and those that get more in tax refunds than they pay in taxes.

Even if they were paying a net amount of $100/year in Federal and State taxes (while still getting the benefits) it'd be better than what they get away with now.

Besides, as part of the middle class I hardly think that it's fair for me to be stuck hauling the weight of the poor with how much I pay in taxes.

The tax cuts that Obama "passed" were a slap in my face and failed to change the fact that I'm hauling more than my fair share which based on a $1 Trillion coming from income taxes would be a mere $3,333. I paid more than 2x that in income taxes, and 4x more than that if you include payroll taxes.

That's my personal taxes, I'm just a person on salary.

I don't see government providing me with any services.

Cops - Yeah, let me introduce you to Colonel Colt.

Then there's the fact that these same cops are the assholes that pull me over for speeding. That's not service, that's disservice.

Firemen - Okay, I supposed technically this might be a service, but I have yet to need their help.

Roads - Dirt Roads wouldn't bother me any.

Maybe the military, but for some damn reason the military is in Iraq instead of on our southern border, so that's a service that the government isn't providing me with either.

What government services?
You middle class folks do get screwed any way it goes down. The middle class are largely indentured debtors who don't yet own the things that make poor people jealous. They work too hard for too little. Other than the self-described justice system, where people who can afford (or have the sense to retain)lawyers do fare much better.

Welfare really isn't what it used to be, (I don't know how the spending package changes that) and those kinds of social services are intended to stave off unrest and placate the poor. As one who feels that only mass insurrection can fix this mess, maybe such pacifiers aren't the best idea? The military is the only true 'cradle to grave' welfare state the US has.

The wealthy and "corporate persons" however are a drain on the infrastructure, they use more resources, roads, police, legal, and military protection. They walk for crimes if they are charged at all, they have more influence over the State, which exists for their benefit. Guy selling umbrellas in front of train station without permit sits in jail until the prelim and Bernie Madoff sits at home


New Member
The only people that aren't pulling even one tenth of one tenth of one percent of their weight are the non-working poor, and those that get more in tax refunds than they pay in taxes.

Did you ever wonder if maybe a moderate percentage of these folks wouldn't like to have a decent job, and be so happy to have an income, they wouldn't be bitching and sniveling such as you are about paying too much taxes? The way things are going, All those layed off folks will soon be taking all the low paying jobs and they, (The poor unemployed), will have even less chance to get a job. Heck, maybe even you will be forced to apply at Wal-mart.


Well-Known Member
The only people that aren't pulling even one tenth of one tenth of one percent of their weight are the non-working poor, and those that get more in tax refunds than they pay in taxes.

Did you ever wonder if maybe a moderate percentage of these folks wouldn't like to have a decent job, and be so happy to have an income, they wouldn't be bitching and sniveling such as you are about paying too much taxes? The way things are going, All those layed off folks will soon be taking all the low paying jobs and they, (The poor unemployed), will have even less chance to get a job. Heck, maybe even you will be forced to apply at Wal-mart.
Wouldn't bother me any. Wouldn't be even the worse job I had (that honor will always go to Blakes Lottaburger, lousy pay, lousy management, lousier benefits.)


Well-Known Member
i cant stand you little bitch liberals.you dont even know how much i cant stand you fucker's.you are fucking worthless..
me being a conservative .you are the reason i believe in abortion.you stupid fuckers are the poster children to keep abortion legal.i can have no argument against abortion.most of you stupid fuckers would have done the country a favor had your mothers aborted you.and it is mostly liberals who have abortions .so who fucking cares about that issue.
i started busting my ass when i was 13 doing roofing. at 14 and 15 i was shoveleing tons of asphalt just like a grown man.matter of fact i out worked every grown man i was working with at 14.
at 16 i walked back and forth to and from work as a carpenter for little money working in arizona in 110 degree heat.with my tools .cause i had wrecked my car.my father was a dirt poor indiana.i joined the military at 17.after i got out i worked with my father to help him build a bussiness.from fucking scratch to a 6 figure bussiness in the late 80s .i went to HVAC school and got my heating and air licence. i worked for a bit when i was around 20 years old as a maint man at a appartment complex.ive fixed people;s nasty toilets and done what i had to do to make a living for me and my family,i was a active real estate appraiser and owned my own business doing that for about 6 years.go and try and get you a appraisers licence.see how easy it is to get one.i finnaly settled on a HVAC bussiness..and that has been a excellent choice.i have made a pile in that bussiness..i have laid off all my employee's not a pile.only about 4.and i am going to idle my bussiness for at least 4 years..do you know why? cause i can first of all...second of all ive busted my ass without any help from anyone to get where i am at.my whole life with no fucking excuses fo failure.
all you sorry fucking liberals.have a fucking excuse for everything.
you are all like a bunch of little fucking girls.
you all need to go douche yourselfs. you fucking stink.
get a hair cut.get a job and stop fucking crying about everything'
i will be doing my very very best in the next four years to keep my work and efforts out of your thiefing socialist hands.i think i will be good at it too..as i am at everything i do in my life.
the secret of doing good ..just for you liberals.WORK HARD.WORK SMART WORK EVERY DAY.
i know to much for you already.why do that when we can just steal from the guy who bust's his ass hu?
fuck you all..i hope you starve.just like this idiot isgoing to http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aq0Pr6qh41Ko&refer=home


Well-Known Member
i didnt say work for the government..
but that is what is going to end up happening.
the government and the liberals will steal all of your production from you for themselfs.


Well-Known Member
i didnt say work for the government..
but that is what is going to end up happening.
the government and the liberals will steal all of your production from you for themselfs.
I had a temp job for a gov't agency for awhile and that was an eye opener. Everything was so arbitrary and incompetence was built in. It was around the same time everyone was whining about warrantless wiretaps from the FBI. I realized they may have wanted to avoid warrants, because they were out of toner for the copiers and they had no idea when they would get more.
I also became less receptive to conspiracy theories, since they would have to be carried out by the same people who can't make you look like you on a drvier's license.


Well-Known Member
like working around the three stooges..
most government employees are lazy as hell.
and dumb as rocks.that is why they work for government.
normally they are over paid too.for being that fucking stupid.
no one else would hire them for anything else if it were not the government employing them.


Well-Known Member
like working around the three stooges..
most government employees are lazy as hell.
and dumb as rocks.that is why they work for government.
normally they are over paid too.for being that fucking stupid.
no one else would hire them for anything else if it were not the government employing them.
The job was way stupider than the people who worked there. There was no catching up, let alone getting ahead in your workload. There was no end to the tunnel, let alone a light, and that has a bad effect on attitude, too. Someday I will write a book about that year and a half.