hindu kush


Well-Known Member
hey i jus got a quick question im new here n im jus tryin to get info. its my first kush grow, i been lookin online, searching on tips on how to grow this specific type of kush..one site said that you CANNOt use soft white lights to grow it with, and the other said all flo's are alright.. im usein a grolux light n a soft white light now..could anyone help me out please on what lights are good to use thanks


Well-Known Member
Too be honest I don't really have any tips for you friend, however I am currently starting a Hindu Kush grow myself. I just germ'd 2 seeds and they are now in soil.. I'm growing under CFL's and will be using both 6500k and 2700k to grow. My cabinet and journal are both links in my signature. Maybe we can work together !!

Take it easy,


Well-Known Member
oh yea ...why is that? i mean if anything i also got a cool white and a warm white..and also 1 more grolux's ..yea let me know wats up thanks again for the help everyone..


Well-Known Member
right now my plant is in vegitation stage i just broke out of the soil bout a week and a half ago but is just very small..jus for info sorry for getting off the subject..n i also looked up that warm white is suspose to be used for flowering stage if im correct...


Active Member
i grew 2 hindu kush clones and put them under a T5 light and flowered them with a 400w HPS they both gave me a little over and ounce dried


Well-Known Member
welp i went out n got 3 cool white bulbs n hooked them up ..it looks like the plant is recting too them..im still gonna use my grolux light also hopefully they will all work..i also got another question my leafs are curling/drooping i water once a day with tap water but i let it sit for bout 40 minutes before..i use mariclegro plant food n thats really bout it ...should i be concernd bout this problem. i read that growin guide bout underwatering n over watering ..but i thought i was doin pretty good when it came too that..and also does hindu kush grow slower then other plants. before i grew some stress plant n that shit grew like wild fire..lol at a fast rate..