History Was Made Today!..Hillary Announces!..

The only thing that excites me about this news is maybe Bill will get another chance to get blown in the oval office.
I thought it was a joke when two bush's made office, father and son.
A fucking three ring circus this country has been made.

the bushes were not the first father/son pair to hold the presidency. john adams and john quincy adams also done it, and FDR was Theodore Roosevelt's nephew.

doesnt anybody read history anymore?
the bushes were not the first father/son pair to hold the presidency. john adams and john quincy adams also done it, and FDR was Theodore Roosevelt's nephew.

doesnt anybody read history anymore?

Not while there are unviewed episodes of breaking bad available...
bitch is the new black.

hillary is the most divisive figure in politics today.

charlie wrangle has a better shot of getting elected than Hill-Dawg.

the bitch has too much baggage, too many questions about her integrity (or lack thereof), and her performance as first lady may fill you with wistful yearnings for the glory days of bubba's regime, but those of us who lived through it dont want those days coming back.

bubba was handed an economy on the upswing, a bulletproof majority in the house and senate, and the "peace dividend" then proceeded to piss it all away through his incompetence.

the fact is, hillary was the one pulling the strings dring the clinton years, bubba was just along for the ride.

hillary is too far left, and too incompetent for the job (rather like Barry Seotoro) but she doesnt have Bwana Obama's advantages.
you cant be called racist if you dont support her, too many women hate her as much as i do, and she is old news.

she wont get the plebs into a lather, so the vote will be decided by the people who normally turn out, older people, white people and conservatives.
She's got that batshit crazy look in her eyes. You know the one I'm talking about, Nancy Pelosi, Michele Bachmann and of course the fictitious tea party lady in the Arizona park. I was in sales most of my life and when you see those eyes, you know it's gonna be a looooong day. They're surprisingly quite rare, you can have 100 normal women come through the door, restore your faith in the gender and then you draw the short straw and SHE walks in.

Who would have guessed she would be announcing soon after the NY Times shitcanned the very last thread of dignity and journalistic integrity by publishing the laughable and demonstrably false Benghazi report? Dat's quite a coinkydink, idn't it?

misogyny and benghazi conspiracy theories from mr. 10-point-romney-lead.


Narcissists are misogynists. They team up with women who serve as Sources of SNS (Secondary Narcissistic Supply). The woman's chores are to accumulate past Narcissistic Supply (by witnessing the narcissist's "moments of glory") and release it in an orderly manner to regulate the fluctuating flow of primary supply and compensate in times of deficient supply.
Oh, well if YOU say the report is accurate, then the attack MUST have been about a video NOBODY knew about.

whereas if you DON'T believe it, chances are that it's truer than all holy fuck.

source: very recent history shows you to be chock full of bad predictions.
I would never vote for a lying battered looking house wife that has to deal with a husband that fucks young intern school girls..And then lies about until the DNA comes back and says he was a liar..All the clintons can do is lie about pretty much everything..

oh, nitro.

sadly, you'll die before you ever realize what a bigoted old POS you are.
Hilary Clinton is the bitch that started the Birther crap

you mean her staffers, and they dropped it once they found the newspaper birth announcement. that's because unlike racist GOP douchebags like desert dude, dems tend to consider evidence rather than ignore it.