HLG-600H-54B RC+ lead


Well-Known Member
looking at the HLG-600H-54B for a build i'm working on and i saw these RC+(brown) and RC-&GND(black) and +5Vse(Yellow) leads

i'm new to electronics and I haven't seen them on any of the smaller drivers I've worked with

can someone please explain what they are and what to they do?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
that had me scratching head yesterday
even had a perv at the pdf & that did not help
radio control?


Well-Known Member
Power on : "High" >2 ~ 5V or Open circuit Power off : "Low" <0 ~ 0.5V or Short circuit

5V: 5V@0.5A ; tolerance
5%, ripple : 100mVp-p(max.)

idk what it all means


Well-Known Member
Connect the RC+ and RC- wires together, ie short them, driver goes into standby. Disconnect them, ie open them, driver turns on.
The other stuff regarding various voltages is just another way of doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, much easier as to use an external relay like with all other HLG drivers. One can also use dimmer knobs with build-in on/off switch. Its a nice feature and I realy miss it on all the other HLG-series drivers.


Well-Known Member
so, if im using a potentiometer like the one from rapid i just use the regular dim leads, ignore those leads and keep them tucked away?


Well-Known Member
so, if im using a potentiometer like the one from rapid i just use the regular dim leads, ignore those leads and keep them tucked away?
Yepp, only make sure the RC wires are not connected. I would use a heatshrink tubing or some iso tape and then hide them. But you can also connect them to a simple on/off switch.