Amare Shill
IDK, ive seen phrases like "expect 2/gpw"Does HLG have the same outlandish claims as HGL?
Most efficient, best, but nothing like HGL claims. Haven't seen those types of claims from anyone.
But so far they're living up to them in veg.
I dont need a side by side to tell you that the differences you're seeing are basically normal white led growth in my garden as it was & also why i dont really veg with plain white in the higher intensity range.
Usually am vegging with Amare (allot more colors), Burple HH before it broke, MH & my Horizons in 58k low intensity T-5 replacements.
This HGL growth using half the umol/j is crazy. Call it what you want man, n i understand where you're coming from, i do. But for those that say this side by side shows nothing, i say to you: Thats the most Foolish thing Ive Heard Here in years. N that's saying allot.
Ill do another using a few planys for each side seeing how i have more HLG Gear (that does work great- Dont get it twisted) and hopefully the new XB Boards will be available to me by next run.
Getting less nervous about the way these HGL's are going to flower. If a plant grows this fast, healthy, strong n thick under 1.5 umol/j light using 150- now 300w, then it must do just as well in flower. Unless of course it makes funky, fluffy flowers or they never even form like some burples. But If so then GoodGoshDamn! That shows there's more to life then phosphor coated, high priced. Fancy Diodes.
To me, coming into this, if hgl even came close to matching hlg then id say they deserve mad credit & is worth investigating spd more.
Anything more then even is just bonkers to us because of the brainwashings weve had about burple. Guess what tho, not all burple is the same apparantly. The comp companies in burple are winging it on spectrum as are the white companies TBDH. Only white company that i feel has work into their spectrum is Amare. And even at that, they win in studies, beat FLUENCE & every Bar light available in grows by large Cultivators. But they cannot or will not share the science end of it publicly. They have results out the ying-yang, use more red then any other white company by allot. Have recently made spd changes & options. So, im a lil confused at the moment because Amare is a white based product. Still gonna peak in 450, like the rest & im just not so sure about the whole purple stem thing. Ive seen tons of great plants under them & especially this new Canna-Spec, but there's always the occasional plant that just refuses the spectrum..
Cammi (HGL) Says "oh white is white" led white is the same as hps white, is the same as t-5, MH, ect....That's wrong! That is totally not true. That's like me saying all burple or RGB / RB , is the same. We see here its not. And if i have to get an @Unit Farm System Supply to see if that is true or not then so be it. @HortiBloom too, if you think there's something specifically special about your burple, lets see it by all means? Any other Burple sponsors im missing? Would love to try Platinum against these 84x's. Now i see why she originally listed companies we all thought were crap burple. They are prob too. Because we all know Unit Farm uses what we believe are higher quality parts then hgl. HLG uses the highest quality n so does Amare.
So, i will put HLG, AMARE, Another BURPLE (Sponsors are open to Showcase) & HGL all up against each other in one big Dual Strain Crop to see.
A from new clone getting they're perspective light only one out the cloner.
You guys act like im not trying here.
And of course, see something you dont like n shit on the whole parade.
Forget that the HLG plant even had gnats or even exists for just one second...
Now, look at the HGL plant in comparison to all the rest of my plants n tell me its just not Amazing???
I want to know the whole Fxckin Truth more then any of you. So

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