Well-Known Member
Everything you said here comes down to grower errors, not what lights you are using. I couldn't give a care about what lights you're using.Shouldnt be anyways. Just cuz a baboon or two says something dont make it so. Plants are good. I have explained everything along the way. Only am catching grief cuz hgl is running. All plants are in same room getting same treatment & are in good shape. Unph'd water caused some leaf misshap, no big deal.
Edit Add on: had it ever occured to you & some others that the ppfd's & evenness or unevenness of coverage, hot spots or not, over 1000 ppfd on a stationary plant or up n down dark n bright areas contribute to leaf health or appearance?
Any of these things ring a bell to as why each may not look as perfect as some of you are?
Why does everyone make this plant out to be hard to grow? It's not it's a weed, it's adapted to a wide range of Eco-systems around the world.
Heck, this plant was fed plain un-ph'd water for the last 4 weeks of flower in coco and finished just fine.