HLVd destroying cannabis crops


Well-Known Member
“More than 90% of California cannabis farms are infected with a ‘severe’ pathogen called Hop-Latent Viroid (HLVd). An infectious pathogen inside California’s pot farms called Hop-latent viroid, or HLVd is attacking cannabis plants and growing invisibly for months only to spoil a crop just as a farmer is ready to harvest. Scientists believe that it’s in nearly every cannabis farm in California and could be causing billions of dollars in damages to the U.S.’s largest State and it’s largest cannabis economy. [1]”

I'm so on the fence about this. Personally, I've never seen it, never knew anyone that had it. To me it seems like something the industry is blowing out of proportion just to stir up hype and gain business from (new) growers that f their plants up and immediately blame a virus not their own f ups, and pay for testing.

Is it real? Of coarse.
Is it really that big of an issue? Hmm. While I'm not sure, because I don't have all of the facts, but personally I dont think so.

For example, look at the source of the article.... It's a company that makes UV lights to combat hlvd .... Hmmmm .... Bias? I think so.
I read an article the other day, about how 'studies' show that many people will develop psychological problems from using cannabis. Ok. You got me. I'm reading. Well turns out it was some Asian (Chinese) Dr who is against cannabis. (Nothing against Asians but Chinese people generally are against cannabis) His 'studies' were 'forecasted through computer software.'. Aka. Total bullshit.
It's easy to push your agenda when you have a bunch of fancy letters beside your name, and more people are likely to listen. Unfortunately most people skim headlines only, too lazy to read and actually form a proper opinion based on FACTS and real stats. They just read the headlines and fill in the blanks themselves. It's what I believe to be a huge downfall in today's society, making the general population alot dumber. (If that's possible)

Now, I'm certainly not saying this is the case with hotrod. He's a great guy and offers alot of solid advice. Just wanted to make that clear
I'm so on the fence about this. Personally, I've never seen it, never knew anyone that had it. To me it seems like something the industry is blowing out of proportion just to stir up hype and gain business from (new) growers that f their plants up and immediately blame a virus not their own f ups, and pay for testing.

Is it real? Of coarse.
Is it really that big of an issue? Hmm. While I'm not sure, because I don't have all of the facts, but personally I dont think so.

For example, look at the source of the article.... It's a company that makes UV lights to combat hlvd .... Hmmmm .... Bias? I think so.
It’s in more publications than that. And they didn’t write it.
People here were asking about Dark Heart Nursery for clones. Multiple people.

Earlier this summer, the team at Dark Heart Nursery announced the findings of a formal survey of cannabis growers across California: After some 200,000 tissue tests, 90% of California facilities researched were testing positive for hop latent viroid (HpLVD).
All told, the presence of that pathogen—to that degree—could account for a $4-billion loss in cannabis crops, according to the Dark Heart team.
The tests ran across more than 100 licensed cannabis facilities, from August 2018 to July 2021. This endeavor began during the research phase that saw Dark Heart connect HpLVd to a suite of worrying symptoms known as “dudders” or “dudding” at the time. This included stunted plants, low trichome production, weak stems and so on.”

Read the article via the substack link
I have grown in Ca since 1996. I lost a table to dudding off and replaced by seeds. I won't accept another clone, no matter how bad I want it ever again. You hear of it a lot here in CA and I sell nothing, nor do I keep stats so I can only tell you my 'impression' which is nothing more than anecdotal. With far greater freedom that comes with legality I'm not at all surprised we are seeing this and the more you grow, the more legal your state is and the freedom that leads to does have the unexpected consequence of making disease spread quicker.

I wouldn't panic but I'd watch for a vining habit and loss of production between successive clone tables. I just killed everything, and began again from seed after terminally cleaning everything.

@DrOgkush lives up here close to the huge pot farms I wonder if he's seen it?
I have grown in Ca since 1996. I lost a table to dudding off and replaced by seeds. I won't accept another clone, no matter how bad I want it ever again. You hear of it a lot here in CA and I sell nothing, nor do I keep stats so I can only tell you my 'impression' which is nothing more than anecdotal. With far greater freedom that comes with legality I'm not at all surprised we are seeing this and the more you grow, the more legal your state is and the freedom that leads to does have the unexpected consequence of making disease spread quicker.

I wouldn't panic but I'd watch for a vining habit and loss of production between successive clone tables. I just killed everything, and began again from seed after terminally cleaning everything.

@DrOgkush lives up here close to the huge pot farms I wonder if he's seen it?
Ya I believe that legalization is the downfall of cannabis. In many ways
It's just so blown out of proportion. Funny how it's not often you see.legit sources writing articles about it though. Only the manufacturers of the products that rid it or the testers that 'test' it.

Oh. Yep. You got weed aids. The only cure is this stuff I make here you can buy some
Ya I believe that legalization is the downfall of cannabis. In many ways
It's just so blown out of proportion. Funny how it's not often you see.legit sources writing articles about it though. Only the manufacturers of the products that rid it or the testers that 'test' it.

Oh. Yep. You got weed aids. The only cure is this stuff I make here you can buy some
I can't disagree and I sometimes find myself wondering if small isolated growers like myself who have some old stuff because she's old stuff herself might be able to help one day. So I have doubled down on isolation.
I can't disagree and I sometimes find myself wondering if small isolated growers like myself who have some old stuff because she's old stuff herself might be able to help one day. So I have doubled down on isolation.
Lol yep. I don't take cuts from anyone. I have all my seeds I need and I don't order from Joe shmo. Hops grow all around here. I live in an agriculturally rich area. Farms everywhere. No weed aids though.
Monsanto or some big-wig ass company is gona come out with hlvd-resistant strains.

I would hope so. However they are zero threat to the smaller guy. There will always be Gundlach-Bundschu's to the Gallo's. I have faith we will find our way in the future as we've done for millennia.

Great wine by the way; niche quality has its' place.
I read an article the other day, about how 'studies' show that many people will develop psychological problems from using cannabis. Ok. You got me. I'm reading. Well turns out it was some Asian (Chinese) Dr who is against cannabis. (Nothing against Asians but Chinese people generally are against cannabis) His 'studies' were 'forecasted through computer software.'. Aka. Total bullshit.
It's easy to push your agenda when you have a bunch of fancy letters beside your name, and more people are likely to listen. Unfortunately most people skim headlines only, too lazy to read and actually form a proper opinion based on FACTS and real stats. They just read the headlines and fill in the blanks themselves. It's what I believe to be a huge downfall in today's society, making the general population alot dumber. (If that's possible)

Now, I'm certainly not saying this is the case with hotrod. He's a great guy and offers alot of solid advice. Just wanted to make that clear
Imagine that. China being against something that creates creativity and abstract thinking.