HLVd destroying cannabis crops

Another thing for us homegrowers to consider;

For most of us, this has little to no impact other than potentially having to restart genetics from seed, in the off-chance this viroid is in your home garden.

Myself, for example: I don't grow to sell, I just grow to not buy, therefore if this viroid hits my garden, I'll just restart some new seed stock.

This also has me a lil nervous because I do have some plants with long nodal spacing that seem kind of "viney", but are not otherwise dudded IMO, branches and petioles are sturdy, plant coloration is good.
Also, what if hlvd spores are being secretly released similar to the old days of paraquat spraying??

What if it's a nefarious move?? I mean, California has ALWAYS cherished its cannabis stock, WHY all of a sudden would a majority of it be fucked??

I suspect some foul play here. . .
I'm not knocking them they're great people, they just have some backward way of thinking in some aspects
Agreed. I'm not saying people from China in general. I'm thinking more along the lines of their government. In my city their are plenty of Asian Americans who are involved in the cannabis industry.
“More than 90% of California cannabis farms are infected with a ‘severe’ pathogen called Hop-Latent Viroid (HLVd). An infectious pathogen inside California’s pot farms called Hop-latent viroid, or HLVd is attacking cannabis plants and growing invisibly for months only to spoil a crop just as a farmer is ready to harvest. Scientists believe that it’s in nearly every cannabis farm in California and could be causing billions of dollars in damages to the U.S.’s largest State and it’s largest cannabis economy. [1]”


Id be interested in knowing how many of those strains that have scumbed to that hlvpd actually come from a lineage of reversed genetics, and how many are from proper bred pedigree strains.
Id be interested in knowing how many of those strains that have scumbed to that hlvpd actually come from a lineage of reversed genetics, and how many are from proper bred pedigree strains.
But where did the stat come from.? This article is full of loose ends. It said clearly. "scientists believe" .... What scientists????? Why aren't they cited???? Where is that statistic from? Why wasnt that 'study' cited???? Come on guys. No one cares this article was written to sell that companies UV lights? Seriously?

I'm about facts. Give me the facts and I'll change my mind. Facts aren't someone's belief. They're facts drawn from legit stats and studies. Which there aren't any.
Oh check it out guys. This plant is Viney. Must have weed aids. It's the only explanation. Better spend 2000$ testing all my plants
And another $2000.99 on medicine only the testing companies make and also their special uv lights that I can't get anywhere else.

Oh wait. It was just shaded out by the other plants and my veg lights are only on 20%.
What a farce.


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Also, what if hlvd spores are being secretly released similar to the old days of paraquat spraying??

What if it's a nefarious move?? I mean, California has ALWAYS cherished its cannabis stock, WHY all of a sudden would a majority of it be fucked??

I suspect some foul play here. . .
It's a viroid. Viroids do not spread by spores, thank whoever for that at least. However they can come in on seeds, very low incidence but possible.
About 6 months ago GM of Grandmaster Led was convinced that his plants were infected, so he culled his entire commercial grow. Then later he found out it was his co2 levels. That was kind of funny.
Well multiple people who bought clones from Dark Heart Nursery couldn’t find them anymore. Read this and we know.
I fail to see why anyone would lie about this. It’s not harmful to humans even if ingested. So tell me why they would lie.
I don't think people are necessarily lying. They are misdiagnosing or blowing it out of proportion. How is there even weed in California dispensaries if 90% of the farms are affected? And like I asked before, how have the prices not skyrocketed?
I don't think people are necessarily lying. They are misdiagnosing or blowing it out of proportion. How is there even weed in California dispensaries if 90% of the farms are affected? And like I asked before, how have the prices not skyrocketed?
California grows so much weed they can’t sell it all. Read up. They’re wanting to export it to other legal states. Prices? I know compared to prices in Alaska they’re dirt cheap while here they are not dropping at all. Despite so many growers they have trouble getting any kind of real markup on prices.