hmm how much


Well-Known Member
How much does a quarter pound of molly usually run for? Im thinking about purchasing one but I dont know if its a good price or not..


Well-Known Member
You dont need methamphetamine to make mdma lol
sorry i worded that weird.
wat i meant to say was...
first I suggest you know how to synthesize methampehtamine AND other substances such as dmt
(you extract dmt though.)

now im not saying go out and literally synthesize or extract these chemicals.
im saying you NEED to know the knowledge before jumping into MDMA or LSD. even reading about it.
you dont have to...
but it'll make things make a lot more sense.

it kind of goes into anything though when it comes to synthesis....
distillation, extracting, vacuuming, heating, stirring...etc

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
hell cooking meth is alot more dangerous than synthing mdma. MDMA chems wont blow on you. Just smell good and need to precure sassafras past the dea then your on easy street


Well-Known Member
Enlighten me? Sassy oil is a major red flag. However extracting the oil from the root bark is probably the safe way. But how could you find sassy oil thats legit
where I live.
or where I live close by rather.

and I also know someone who can hook it up that has already extracted it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah extracting is the easy part. then i must assume your in some remote country LOL
trust me....i was more surprised then you were when I found I could get sassafras oil this easy.

like I have said before...
you meet the sources. a new door opens.

the MDMA came from somewhere...