Hmmm123's lowryder2, cfl, grow.

Just a pic.


Sorry all for the lack of replies from me broke my hand so struggling to type lol. I'll come back in a bit and try and anwser all the questions in one go.
Well think 1 may be a boy just waiting for the lights to come back on before i have a look.

they will in the next few days tho mine did at 3 weeks for boys and 4 for girls

They seem to be doing fine to me, try not to worry to much there tough little things just give it some time to recover from the shock. Number 1 of mine has a deformed fan leave from over watering i think, and it seems to be doing fine so far.

Hey here are the latest pics of my Lr2 grow 1 week 3 days in i reallly fuked up last night i left my 2ft floresent tube leaning against its pot (i kno bad idea) and i forgot about it over night thinkin it was ok and now i wokee up this morning to tha smell of frying seedling :( only one of its fan leaves were burnt but when i say burnt i mean Frazzled so i ended up pruning it off Hopefully it will pull throught tell me what your thinking , CHeers REEFA

Where i am pointing is were i chopped. does my plant even look healthy ? Tell me what yall think i like to hear your comments good or bad as long as the bad ones are Constructive, PEACE

Not sure might give them a small dose of some nutes next week sometime.

Oh dammmb hmmmm123 your 1s are Shooting ahead of mine how long do you think youll have to wait until you feed them with some nutes? ill be keeping a eye on this grow i can use some of your LR knowledge. REEFA
Ok my lights have just gone back on and i just checked them im quiet sure number 1 is a male fairly sure anyway think its covered in balls, really strange cos there was only 2 yesterdy but i wasn't sure if it was just new growth, don't think it is now, could do with some opinions please, im sure the things i suspect are balls look like they are going to open up any day now! The other 2 plants still showing no sign of sex yet. Pics below (sorry for the crap blurry pics its difficult to take them and manage to keep the camrea still with one hand lol.)

Nice set of balls on the lovely young fellow! Fingers crossed for the other two, shouldnt be long now. I remember sat there straining my eyes trying to spot tiny little hairs last time round!
lol, yer i remember being like that the first time round. Think i'm gonna get rid of him later today soooooo say bye bye! lol.

Nice set of balls on the lovely young fellow! Fingers crossed for the other two, shouldnt be long now. I remember sat there straining my eyes trying to spot tiny little hairs last time round!
Aww poor number 1! Goodbye little one. Its for the best tho :(

Im going to keep one male from my White Russians so i can make seeds again. They dont take too long to start spewing out pollen so hopefully it wont get in the way.
Well number 1 is sat in my window sill for tonight wiill get rid of him in the morning. So lets hope for girls from now on. Also there looking a bit big for the pots there in i think, do people think i should repot them? Or wait till they show sex?

Sorry to hear youre down :(
Heres a couple of pics of my kitty to help make you smile. She makes me smile anyway :mrgreen:


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lol made me smile lol heres my cats lol

