

Active Member
Right now my dog is going through his keep, every morning I handwalk his ass bout 5miles. So this time i decided to go on a little hike. We went to a spot that I am familiar with and just kept going climing and crawling through thick ass brush. About 10minutes in we reached an area ive never been in b4 and i noticed that there were footprints and fresh trail. As i followed the trail all along i noticd blue pieces of tape tide to random plants(trail-markers?). 30minutes into the hike and i walk up on a huge tent in the middle of NOTHING. First i didnt know if i should look inside but i did boxes stacked up on two sides with a tarp over em and almost like a little room in the center. I didnt go through the stuff and decided to head back. I dont think this is some bum living that far into the hills. Should i go back and find the TREEs or what??