Hobo stile


Active Member
Peeps Its my first growing exspirience. I'm growing in dirt,peat mix with cow shit add. No, no sheroms grow in this..lol. I noticed my first batch had grown to tall at first so, I brought my light sorce closer to the plant, just anough that it doesn't burn the babie.

Their in a closet 2'x 3' lined with alumunim foil, the light and heat sorce is a holygene work light, it serves it perpose. I also have two little computer fan to cerculate the little area, I need tips on how to keep bug off, have not seen any yet.....

These few plant are just a test, just to see if I have the green thumb. I know a few friend that grow hydro. They give no hints but, I do watch..lol:weed: Thats why I'm on Rollitup site to learn and see other grower secrets; Thats why it's here rite ? Well got things to do, I'll post a pictire in two more weeks.......

I will except any pointer if you have and fell free to comment........................... :bigjoint:



Active Member
Get rid of that halogen light, they're practically useless for growing. Too hot and the wrong spectrum for healthy plant growth.


Well-Known Member
yea.. that halogen is a bad idea, try a hps or mh.. If money is an issue.. CFL's is your solution!


Well-Known Member
go pick up some Y splitters, and mounts to plug them into a power bar. get at least 6 of them. Those plants are hurtin for more light dude. thats why they only have 3 fingers on the leaves. plus they are really thin and stretched. Halogen lights are horrible.

You should see better results within a week or two under the new lights. and make sure they are within 1 inch of the plants.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
compact fluoros will fit in any standard light socket and are available everywhere there not too expensive but would be much better than the halogen


Junior Creatologist
Nah dude, you dont gotta be rich at all - just hit up Walgreens, or Walmart, and pick up some of those spiral energy saver bulbs. Those are Compact Flourescent Lights, or CFLs. People grow with them all the time, and have amazing results. Its all about how many you have, and there is no such thing as too much light if you can keep it cool, lol. Just go out n spend like 14 bucks on 3 of the 65w (100w equivalent) bulbs, get two blue (or white), and one red spectrum, and put them bitches 10" above your plants n see how they respond. Over the next week, you can lower them anywhere up to 3" above the tops of your plants, depending on how hot it gets in your growing space. It sounds like you have ventilation down, your growbox setup, and all you need is adequate lighting for now n your good to go from there.

Even if you dont have a greenthumb, you can teach yourself to get one man. Everybody has to start somewhere right? check out the first 30 pages of my grow journal man. Its the first grow i ever did all the way through, n i started pretty meager. After that, read the rest of the journal, or at least speed through the pages n check out the pics . After that i upgraded more n more, n now im workin with 2600w of HID, n countless CFLs. It can be done man, you just gotta be persistent, n dont give up. :D

Good luck man, n DONT GIVE UP!!!



Active Member
CFL's are cheap. for under $100 you could have that plant looking really healthy with closer node points.
I'd say under $50 you could be set up with proper lighting.. Or you can always put 'em outside and let mother nature take care of everything for ya.. :P