Hold my beer...

Well its DEFINITELY not Friday but here comes a quick update anyways. Day 56 on GMOxCD. Just flipped the light timer on DDS so tomorrow's should be day 1 of flower if the timer hasn't changed its settings on me. She will get a topdress and trim this weekend hopefully. DLA5XCD is still an embarrassment. Might flip her for giggles or pull her and start another. Definitely enjoying the dual outlet timers. Just swap the plug to the other side each time i want to change between veg/flower or back again vs having to set the timer each cycle is the shiznit. Need to trim the blu dream xCD but dont have it in me tonight and wont tomorrow either. Debating bringing my seed heat mat inside because it didn't do the job sitting on the concrete floor last time and temps have only dropped more. Might need to just replace her. The controller for it has hit its limit i believe, shes been around a few years.


Been under the weather so tonight was catchup but got some work done on the DDS. When i started it was day 10 but she got her final topdress of bus, ewc, craft blend, and kashi. Then i got to cleaning up her undercarriage and layin her down on top.

Day 21 on DDS, DLA5 hasn't done anything, GMO still drying, and nursery has 1992 Skunkx Chocolate Diesel in upper right, DLA5xCD in lower left, and Blue dreamxCD in lower right. Not sure what I'm gonna put in upper right yet.




Day 33 on Double Dipped Strawberries. Niwa hiccuped on me so environment was a bit off but I think she'll be ok. Nursery tent is doin it's thing. I do still have an empty pot that might get one dropped soon. I flipped the DLA for giggles and it hasn't done anything. On a personal milestone note, I got the GMOxCD trimmed and cracked the about a pound mark. Not a big deal to many but something I hadn't done yet. I let it get too dry but I do enjoy the smoke. It's a nice all day smoke which is good cuz I'm almost out of the blueberries and oranges that checked the same box.
Decided to try making homemade coconut oil and gummies tonight. With it being the holidays and all i figured id go big and throw 26 grams of roain into a batch of edibles. If my rosin is only 65% and my math is correct, every piece should be over 100mg. Bears 111, rings 148, and snakes 500.

Busy day in the room. New soil in sip 5 and transplanted the three seedlings into their final homes. Day 42 on DDS.





Day 49 on the Double Dipped Strawberries. Day 36 on the DLAxChocolate Diesel that never got happy after transplanting. I'm not expecting anything out of this but didn't feel like starting 4 at once considering my original idea was to ha e each tent staggered so I went ahead and flipped her for giggles and just to see what happened. Figured I'd post the photo cuz I thought it was interesting when I opened the tent today. I don't think this plant has drank a full gallon it entire life yet which has been interesting to watch. Poor lil girl is still praying though. Next round of blue dream x choc dies seems to be happy in her new home, the DLA5x chocolate diesel is making me wonder if this strain just doesn't like being sipped, and the choc skunk(92 skunk x choc dies) seems to be happy. Thinking I might try foliar spraying some big 6 on the new DLA5 girl to see if she perks up and accepts her new home. I got it for transplants but haven't really needed.

Disappointed with my first batch of infused coconut oil and the gummies I've made with them. I think the oven was too hot when I decarbed and it cooked some of the goods. They are more potent than the dispensary stuff but nowhere near what they should be. If your reading this and are thinking about decarbing some rosin to infuse, when you do your research and read to set the oven low because they lose accuracy at low temp trust the advise lol

Happy new year everyone, hopefully it's better than the last for all of us







Finally got around to setting up the clone machine and figured id give it a try. Topped the 92 skunk x choc dies, blue dream x choc dies, and dla5 x choc dies then cleaned up took off lower nodes. Ended up with two cuts on two of them and three on one. Tried giving them all a dip in foop then into the cloner with straight tap water. Let's see what happens
Week 9 on DDS. Will probably bring her down this weekend. Rest of the girls seem to be doing OK after getting topped. I pulled one clone that didn't look like it was doing too well. No roots or anything yet but they aren't dead yet either.







Took down the Double Dipped Strawberries. Similar smell to the last one. Seems a bit leafier as well. Will update with a smoke comparison. Last one outgrew her space on me but seemed happier than this one. I do think this one was a bit frostier. The 2nd rnd of blue dream x Chocolate diesel, 2nd round of dla5 x Chocolate diesel, and 92 skunk x Chocolate diesel all got topped again tonight. Tomorrow they will all get a topdressing of worm poop, oly mtn poop, kraft blend, and kashi.




Probably a couple days of drying left on the DDS. Blue dream x Chocolate diesel, DLA5 x Chocolate diesel, and 92 skunk x chcolate diesel all got topped and cleaned up. Trying cloning with the rapid rooter cloner this round. Took 10 cuts last time I topped and 3 ended up with roots after 2 weeks. I planted them in soil and will seewhat happens. 2 were the 92 skunk and 1 was the DLA. this time I filled the cloner with 8 of each. Hopefully I end up with a few of each. I'm just using straight Tap water that sat out and a dunk in food cloning gel. Not huge hopes but not huge needs either. To keep mothers would hurt my plant count unless I went bonsai status like some of the other members. Anything iver 5 inches counts as a plant.




Humming along in the room. DDS came out better than the first round but not as heavy of a yielder. Blue dream x Chocolate diesel round 2, DLA5 X Chocolate round 2, and 92 skunk x chcolate diesel all have another month or so. I dialed down the lights a little after taking these photos because I didn't like the top of the blue dream. Clones are struggling again. I am thinking the light is too much. I'm gonna have to come up with a way to defuse the light over the cloner since it is in the same tent as my seedlings. I have one in the dirt that is waiting to introduce herself. I'll share more details on her next week if she shows. If not I'll drop another and try again.





Been a little bit since the last update. Threw a few girls from the second round of clones in dirt, hoping at least a few make it. The three left from the first round seem to be ok. So I do have 2 skunks and a DLA5. I'm not sure that either of the blue dreamp will come through on round 2 either. Just topped the girls tonight so I started another round. Hopefully i get at least one blue dream to take. Nursery tent is full so now I'm trying to convince the wife to setup a clone tent in the house lol. The seed didn't make it so I'll have to drop another. I should be topdressing the main girls tomorrow but not sure if I will get to it.




Well I'm struggling with my surprise seeds but the big girls are doin there thing and I got 2 skunk cuts and 2 dla cuts from last attempt. Looks like I will have 2 more of each from the final attempt of this round. I let the big girls get too big and the skunk has some major light damage. Dla is not as bad and Blue dream seems to be ok buy she did not get as big as the other two. I tried to tie em down tonight, raised the lights, and switched timers. Tomorrow will be day one since the flip as long as my timers held their settings.


