Hold on to your hats libbys

Lots of fear mongering coming from the news media and government. I got an automated call from the City of Portland on June 26th. It was a warning about the heatwave we were having and recommending that people take precautions to stay cool and hydrated. I can't believe they were issuing a health warning to the public. During the heatwave last summer only 60 people died. No need to be spreading fear. People need to just ignore those warnings coming from them damn libs.

Damn Libbys. Everything wrong in the world is their fault. They created cancer! I can run with scissors if I want!

Actually just a few months ago they wanted to fire me for not getting it...how can you ignore that fact? Now its just dust in the wind. Leftists have short memory and attention spans.
A year ago my farm crew got covid, both guys are young conservative unvaccinated dimwits. One got so bad off he spent 2 weeks in the hospital and lost 30lbs. The other one got almost as sick and wasn't able to carry on alone, so it derailed my entire grow last season. I would have been more upset and fired them both however they really only fucked themselves because they work 100% on commission and made $0.00....they are both flat broke now. One moved to Mexico and the other went back to trimming trees because his dad owns a tree service. I have a new crew this year, and they are vaxxed..
The real world ain't nearly as bad as the Hellhole the republicans created. Take from an outsider looking in, someone living in the 21st century. While your trip back to the 19th century is interesting, it is also dangerous and stupid, what next? Women couldn't vote during the founders time and they never intended for women or blacks get the franchise? How about gathering up all the Japanese American people and interning them while the Germans and Italians ran around free? Contraception could be next on the chopping block, including vasectomies, for the lunatics in red states. Blue states won't extradite women facing murder charges in Red States, they will tell the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves. These morons opened a real can of worms on this one, let's see if white America is stupid enough to fuck themselves yet again over it in November.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . Leftists have short memory and attention spans.
Where are you finding these leftists? There are maybe 10K true leftists in the US. Compared to the EU, the dems are a center right party. The GOP are far right.

A person belonging to the political left and usually identifying with the radical, anti capitalist, or revolutionary sectors of left politics. Includes anarchists, marxists, communists, socialists, and all other explicitly radical left ideologies.
Actually just a few months ago they wanted to fire me for not getting it...how can you ignore that fact? Now its just dust in the wind. Leftists have short memory and attention spans.
It's an economic decision, whether you still have a job or not. Not getting a vaccine costs lost production. But not all production is equal. Evidently, losing you due to Covid illness wasn't worth much.
Why are Canadians so obsessed with US politics?

Because it's like a train wreck in slow motion. You know it's going to end horribly but you just can't turn away.

Not just us Canucks either. The whole world watches what's going on in the states and is seeing the same wreck coming down the tracks.

Biden at least is stabilizing the mess tRump made of world affairs and because of his extensive experience in global politics is really rallying the world to finally stop putting up with Putin's BS and constant attacks all over the world. Big problem is that the US and most large industrial countries all over the world have reduced their manufacturing capacity to the point where it's going to be a huge problem coming up with all the goods to end Soviet era Russia once and for all and supply their own domestic needs. Piss off China enough to freeze imports to the western world and watch the shit hit the fan. Same thing in Canada too. We've allowed most companies to move overseas to avoid high wages and environmental barriers to the point we can't make most of the things we need ourselves.

Canadian politics is boring as hell so what else we gonna do eh. :)

Why are Canadians so obsessed with US politics?
It's the greatest show on earth and a study of not an imperfect constitution failing the people, but of the people failing the constitution. If America loses it's liberal democracy we would be worse off than Ukraine, as the scum rose to the top of American leadership. Trump got everybody's attention since the buffoon had his finger on the nuclear trigger and wanted to destroy NATO on a whim. Trump didn't just betray America and it's constitution, he betrayed your vital allies too and considering the war in Ukraine, it was good he did not succeed.

The fact that the republicans are even a factor in American politics at this point speaks volumes of the danger. No patriot could vote for a party associated with treason and sedition, that has a domestic terrorist wing and needs a propaganda organization to maintain a base of bigots with selected, false and spun news.